French Revolution Timeline

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This event took place when everyone in the Third Estate gathered and swore that they would not separate and they gather wherever it is necessary until the constitution was established. This happened because they got locked out of their meeting. They thought that they were being forced by the king to become separated. This event was significant to the French Revolution because it showed how much people hate Louis XVI and was a foundation to other events down the line.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    This was a rumor that the king was planning a military coup against the National Assembly. The Bastille was attacked by a lot of angry people, their main attempt was to free prisoners. This took place because they were searching for weans and ammunition. This event is significant to the French Revolution because it began events that led to King Louis XVI being overthrown.
  • The Great Fear: Peasant Revolt

    The Great Fear: Peasant Revolt
    This was a rumor that the feudal aristocracy were sending hired mercenaries to attack peasants and burn their land. People responded to these rumors because by fearful peasants having armed weapons on them. This event is significant because it was a catalyst to the French Revolution.
  • Night Session of August 4, 1789

    Night Session of August 4, 1789
    This was an evening session that went on throughout the night. Before the night came to an end the feudal regime in France had been abolished and all Frenchmen were in principle. This event took place because Viscount de Noailles wanted the nobility's privileges abolished. This event is significant to the French Revolution because it abolished something that was unfair to many human beings.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    Declaration stating that everyone had liberty, right to property, and resistance to oppression. This document helped with freedom and democracy during the French Revolution.
  • The Woman's March

    The Woman's March
    Woman from marketplaces in Paris marched to the Palace of Versailles. They were very upset about how high the price was for bread. Woman marched chanting, "We want the baker, the bakers wife and the bakers boy!" This event was significant to the French Revolution because the people became confident that they had power over the king.
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    Parish priests and Bishops were elected or named by assemblies. The pope had no say om the appointment of the French clergy. This was an attempt get the Catholic church in France back on track. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy transformed France's Catholic church into a branch of the state. This event is significant to the French Revolution because it caused a schism within the French Church.
  • The Royal Flight to Varennes

    The Royal Flight to Varennes
    King Louis XVI took his family & left France and went to Austria.When he left he was hoping to be reinstated at the throne. The king's family was arrested and they went back to Paris because they were recognized.Revolutionaries were convinced that the monarch can never be trusted.This took place because it was hard for King Louis XVI to tell what was going to happen with the French Revolution.This event was significant to the French Revolution because it had an impact on the public's opinion.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    On January 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was executed. He was executed for treason. The people of France were viewing King Luis XVI as a traitor because he secretively left the country. This event is significant to the French Revolution because France had lost such an influential person who supported France through everything.
  • Assassination of Marat

    Assassination of Marat
    He was assassinated by Charlotte Corday while MArta was taking a medical bath. The more intense the French Revolution got the more she supported Girondin. She killed Marat because she thought that he was the most radical. She also felt like he at fault for the September Massacres. This even is significant to the French Revolution because not too long after his death it became a symbol for Jacobin supporters.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    This event took place from September 3, 1793 - July 28, 1794. This was a period of extreme violence during the French Revolution. This event caused conflict between moderate and radical republicans. The Reign of Terror's purpose was to get rid of all France's enemies. This event is significant to the French Revolution because it helped France not get invaded by other countries.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre was executed on July 28, 1794. The day before he was executed he was arrested along with some of his followers at the Hotel de Ville located in Paris. The next day they were taken to another place, where they were all executed. This ended with the Girondins gaining more power. Robespierre was executed because revolutionary leaders were done with Terror, so they turned on him. This is significant to the French Revolution because it targeted many enemies and led to other things.
  • Coup of 18th Brumaire

    Coup of 18th Brumaire
    This event was the overthrow of the system that was under the Directory in France. They were then replaced by the consuls. This happened because the Directory began to get involved in corruption. They also began having political and financial problems.This event is significant to the French Revolution because many refer to it as the end of the French Revolution.
  • French Revolutionary Wars

    French Revolutionary Wars
    This was a series of wars that lasted from April 20, 1792, to March 25, 1802. All of these wars took place because of military disputes. This series of events are signifficant and influeneced the French Revolution because it showed people that revolt is possible and successful. The wars really influenced the people because of how powerful the others military power was.
  • Louis and Marie Tied the Knot

    Louis and Marie Tied the Knot
    Both of their families kind of hated each other. The marriage was supposed to bring the families together. France was also hoping that their marriage would help strengthen the union with Austria.