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French Revolution Timeline

By Nasar
  • The Estates General is called

    The Estates General is called
    Due to France's financial and political situation spiraling out of control, the current king of the time, and the last king of France, Louis XVI, decided that the only option was too call the Estates-General, an assembly of the three estates, to find a solution to the problems.
  • The National Assembly was formed.

    The National Assembly was formed.
    During the meeting of the Estate-General, members of the Third Estate (poor people) were still unsatisfied with the results, and formed the National Assembly, a group that represented what the French people needed, without any involvement with the King.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Members of the newly formed National Assembly came together on a tennis court in the Palace of Versailles, and swore to never stop coming together until a constitution for France was made.
  • National Assembly changes name

    National Assembly changes name
    The National Assembly changes its name to the National Constituent Assembly.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Due to the insanely high price of bread, thousands of women rushed to the Palace of Versailles, in order to force the King and his family to return to Paris.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    Claims that Louis XVI fired a very well liked minister, and along with food prices still being insanely high, caused around 900 individuals to storm Bastille, a fortress used a prison at the time, also a very hated structure by French residents.
  • The Constitutional Monarchy is formed

    The Constitutional Monarchy is formed
    Members of the National Constituent Assembly force King XVI to accept the French Constitution, effectively ending the king's absolute monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Monarchy overthrown, France becomes a republic.

    Fear of the monarchy applying anti-revolutionary actions caused mobs of people to break into prisons, and kill the prisoners. After this, the people of France came together in the National Convention, to finally abolish the monarchy, and to become a republic
  • Louis XVI is executed.

    Louis XVI is executed.
    The National Convention convicts the former king of treason, and publicly executes him by guillotine.
  • The Reign of Terror begins

    The Reign of Terror begins
    The Committee of Public Safety (committee of the National Convection) began to arrest, and execute, people who they thought were against the revolution.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

  • Marie Antoinette is executed.

    Marie Antoinette is executed.
    The National Convection also finds Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI's wife, guilty of treason, and executes her, also with guillotine.
  • The Reign of Terror Ends

    The Reign of Terror Ends
    The people of France decide to execute Maximilien Robespierre, the president of the National Convection, ending the Reign of Terror.