French Revolution Timeline

  • Storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille was a march in which all lower class citizens took apart in. They rushed into the government prison, the Bastille, and liberated multiple prisoners from the French Government. It is a symbol of peace in France.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    A document written by the National Assembly that all men are created equal. It stated that no one is above the law. This document really only appealed to white males within France.
  • The Women March on Versailles

    Due to the rising prices of bread and other food items, the women marched into the palace and demanded that they be given food to support them and their families.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    A document that create a limited monarchy. This gave power to a king, but allowed Parliament to intervene if necessary. The king's power was very limited in this form of government.
  • The Royal Family Attempts to Escape

    king Louis XVi and his wife Marie Antoinnette attempted to escape to Austria. They were caught and sent back to Paris. This attempt showed they were traitors to France.
  • King Louis XVI's Execution

    After his attempt to leave his country, the people of France sentenced him to death. He was beheading by the guillotine in a town square.
  • Reign of Terror

    A time period in which Robespierre held a majority of the power. He sentenced thousands of people to death in the time he was in power.
  • The Constitution of 1795

    The constitution of 1795 was ratified. This document helped to found the directory.
  • Exposing Officals

    Within this year many scandals with government officials were exposed. This almost brought down the entire government.
  • Napoleon's Battle Victories

    Napoleon began to win several battles in the name of France. He won against the Austrians, and Successfully captured Francois de Charette.
  • Napoleon Rises to Power

    Napoleon demonstrated his skills while protecting France. His military strategies helped convince people that he would be a good ruler. He appointed himself as an absolute ruler.