French Revolution Timeline

By YuAnnHo
  • Meeting with the Estates-General

    Meeting with the Estates-General
    The Estates-General of 1789 was called by King Louis XVI in order to address the monarchy’s financial crisis. However, the new National Assembly failed to negotiate with the clergy and nobility.
    This is important because the Estates-General has the authority to determined that person's rights, obligations and status.
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    Meeting with the Estates-General, May 5, 1789

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly gathered on a tennis court to make a plan.The main perpose is to create a French constitution. They agreed to stay together until they could come up with a new constitution for France.
    This is important because it showed the growing unrest against Louis XVI, and also led to many events that occurred later in the French Revolution.
  • The storming of the Bastille Prison

    The storming of the Bastille Prison
    A group of angry French citizens stormed the Bastille Prison in Paris on July 14, 1789. They stone guns and weapon to help themselves to defend the monarchy’s resistance.
    It significantly marked the beginning of the French Revolution.
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    The storming of the Bastille Prison

  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man showed the basic beliefs of the revolutionaries. Specifically, it documented that all men were born free and equal and idea of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and separation of powers. It is important because the declaration inspired the new French constitution.
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    Declaration of the Rights of Man

  • Women’s march on Versailles

    Women’s march on Versailles
    Due to irresponsible spending and poor harvests, people started to suffer hunger. Yet, Louis XIV raised the price of bread to make up for his financial problems. However, people were still unable to afford the price. Therefore, groups of women began to protest in the Parisian markets, yet, no significant changes was made afterword. It was important because the royal family later live under the eye of the new National guards.
  • The Royal family attempts to escape

    The Royal family attempts to escape
    The popularity of King Louis XIV reduce since people saw his lack of responsibility to led the country. Eventually, he decided to flee from France and set up camp in Austria to wait out the Revolution. However, they were recognized in Varennes so after the next day. In addition, they arrested and brought back to Paris. The importance of this events reduce the credibility of the King and cause the later crisis of the execution.
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    The Royal family attempts to escape

  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The National Assembly was replaced by the National Convention, which was a group called the Committee of Public Safety. It was created to protect the new Republic against traitors. Thus, a huge amount of people were killed ad harmed. The committee arrested 500,000 suspected traitors and executed 17,000 French citizen. This event saved France from invasion by other countries, yet destabilized the country.
  • King Louis XVI's execution

    King Louis XVI's execution
    French considered him a traitor. On August 10, 1792, a group of angry Parisians stormed the Tuileries Palace calling for justice. The king and the queen were arrested and placed in jail. On January 21, 1793, the King was executed in front of a crowd in Paris by guillotine. This event was important because the monarchy was officially abolished and France was officially a new Republic.
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    Robespierre’s execution

  • Robespierre’s execution

    Robespierre’s execution
    Members of the government committee began to fear from the killing spree of the reign on terror. On July 27, 1794, Robespierre was guillotined which brings to an end to the Reign of Terror. This event is important because it brought back peace to the French society.
  • Coup d’état

    Coup d’état
    The Directory was created after a new constitution was written. However, they became corrupt and began to experience financial difficulties due to mismanagement. Later, a coup d’état(Coup of 18th Brumaire) forced out the Directory and replaced it with three “consuls. Thus, military commander Napoleon Bonaparte continue to rule France. This event is important because marks the end of the French Revolution.
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