French Revolution Timeline

By Zachnh
  • The meeting of the Estates General

    The meeting of the Estates General
    When the Estates General met in 1789 it was the first time they had met since 1614. They were meeting to discuss the financial problems France was having at the time. The Third Estate, upon meeting, realized how much power they had and split off to form the National Assembly. They then started to make laws and govern France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was the fortress of Bernard-René Jordan de Launay as well as a prison. Although the prison only held 7 prisoners the people of Paris saw the base as a symbol of French Tyranny so on July 14, 1789, they stormed the fortress. Launay was forced to surrender the base and the 7 prisoners were freed. This event is usually seen as the start of the active revolution, or when the revolution started getting power and actually were able to change things.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The newly formed National Assembly were tired of the monarchy and upperclassmen treating the lower and middle classes terribly. So they made the 17 articles titled the Rights of the Man and of the Citizens. These articles sent out inalienable rights for all people.
  • Woman's March on Versailles

    Woman's March on Versailles
    In October 1789, a rumor started that the King and Queen were hoarding bread and grain in their palace of Versailles. A starving crowd of women and some men soon arrived at Versailles demanding bread for their starving families. They also demanded the King come with them to Paris. The King and Queen agreed to both demands but this was the last time they would see Versaille.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    With the Revolution in full power, the French were looking for a fight. And with Austria's continued involvedness with the Revolution and the monarchy they were the most obvious target. On April 20, 1792, the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI

    The execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis and Marie Antionette were both arrested by the sans-culotte and soon after the monarchy was abolished by the National Convention. Soon evidence was discovered of King Louis working with Austria against the revolution and he was sentenced to death. On August, 21, 1793 King Louis was executed by guillotine.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period of time where Maximilien Robespierre and his followers took over the National Convention and formed the Committee of Public Safety. It was called the Reign of Terror because the Committee of Public Safety killed an estimated 40,000 people by the guillotine, 85% of them being from poor or middle classes, the people the revolution was supposed to help. The Reign of Terror ended when the Committee of Public Safety was themselves accused and exicuted.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    After the fall of the monarchy, the king was quickly executed. For the Marie Antoinette, the queen, her trial was not far after. Marie Antoinette was put on trial under a charge of treason. Although getting help from two famous layers Marie still lost the trial and was executed on the 16 of October.
  • Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
    The leader of the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre was probably the most influential figure in the Reign of Terror. However, on July 27, 1794, he and many of his followers were placed under arrest by the National Convention. Robespierre fled to the Hotel de Ville where he attempted to shoot himself only managing to damage his jaw. The National Convention soon after stormed the Hotel de Ville and on July 28, 1794, Maximilien Robespierre and 21 of his followers were killed by the guillotine
  • Napoleon Bonaparte's Coup d'etat

    Napoleon Bonaparte's Coup d'etat
    With the Revolution at its end, there was a need for a new leader to take over and lead the damaged France into a better age. This leader came in the shape of Napoleon Bonaparte. Returning from a campaign in Egypt Napoleon's Coup d'etat was fast and well received. This event is generally percieved to be the end of the Revolution.