French Revolution Timeline

  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Rumors went around in Paris that foreign troops were coming to attack French citizens. People gathered weapons so they could defend their city, They tried getting gunpowder from a Paris prison called the Bastille. The Bastille fell under the control of the citizens.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The Third Estate wanted change, so they insisted all 3 estates meet together and each delegate votes. The Third Estate voted to establish the National Assesmbly, proclaiming the end of monarchy and beginning of representative government.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    Rumors spread that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants. Everyone's panic was called the Great Fear. They became outlaws themselves when they saw no one attacking. They broke into nobles' manor houses and tore up old legal papers and burned some manor houses too. About 6,000 Parisian women turned against the king because of the raised prices of bread. They demanded the queen and king to go to France.
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    Declaration of the rights of men
    The National Assembly made a statement of revolutionary ideals called "the declaration of the rights of men". The main 4 rights were liberty, property, security, and resistance to opression.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The National Assembly made a new constitution. Kng Louis approved of it. He handed over the power to a new assembly called the Legislative Assembly. They had the power to create laws and approve of prevent any war the kng declared on other nations.
  • War with Austria

    War with Austria
    Legislative Assembly declared war with Austria because Prussians and Austrians proposed that France put Louis back on the throne. The war began badly for the French forces.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Robespierres period of ruling was known as the Reign of Terror. He was basically a dictator. He said in his speeches that the Reign of Terror signified that French citizens would stay true to the ideals of the revolution.