French revolution 3

French Revolution Timeline

  • Charles-Alexandre de Calonne Suggests Higher Taxes, Estates-General Convene Instead

    Charles-Alexandre de Calonne Suggests Higher Taxes, Estates-General Convene Instead
    Sometime in February 1787, the general controller of finances in France, Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, summoned many nobles and representatives of the bourgeoisie to talk about the country's financial issues. He suggested they give the privileged higher taxes, which the nobles refused. Instead, they suggested and agreed to assemble the Estates-General, which hadn't convened since 1614. This shows just how much France was struggling financially and how badly people wanted to avoid higher taxes.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    I used this link for the whole assignment:
  • The National Assembly Forms

    The National Assembly Forms
    In 1789, there was a huge dispute over votes in France when members of each estate, called the Estate-Generals, met up. They were debating whether they wanted to do head counts or give every estate equal votes. In the end, the Third Estate decided to create the National Assembly. The Third Estate was the lower classes, Second Estate was nobles, and First Estate was the clergy. It opened up a whole other category of people to fight back against the French government, with leaders.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    In early June 1789, the National Assembly was locked out of its usual meeting hall by royal officials. Instead of canceling the meetings altogether, they met in the king's indoor tennis court. They made the Tennis Court Oath during this meeting, which was where they swore that the Assembly wouldn't end before France had a new constitution in place. This means that the people wouldn't stop fighting until they created a new constitution for France.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    The Third Estate was terrified at the thought that the aristocracy could overthrow them. This caused unease and panic. As a result, the Third Estate seized and took over the prison in Bastille. This was an act of royal tyranny. This was one of the first major acts to overthrow the monarchy in the French Revolution, which is why it was so important.
  • France Declares War on Austria

    France Declares War on Austria
    In early April 1792, France declared war on Austria. Despite this, France was already fighting with other European countries, those hostilities are known as the French Revolutionary Wars, along with dealing with their own angry people. Overall, France was fighting multiple wars and it probably wasn't a smart idea to declare yet another one against Austria. This probably allowed the citizens to fight back more since the government wasn't completely focused on them.
  • French Monarchy Abolished, Republic Established

    French Monarchy Abolished, Republic Established
    On September 20, 1792, a group of French citizens came together and created the National Convention. By the end of the day on September 21, 1792, they had successfully abolished the monarchy and established a new republic. The original French government was so focused on their other wars they didn't expect to realize the people were approaching that point, as they had declared war on Austria earlier that year. This impacts France economically, financially, and politically.
  • Louis XVI's Trial and Execution

    Louis XVI's Trial and Execution
    In early 1793, King Louis XVI, the king the French citizens overthrew, went on trial. The convention ran this trial and judged him, later declaring him guilty. He was publicly executed later that day as a result. This is the start of an era with no monarchy in France, which is a huge shift politically, socially, and economically.
  • Marie Antoinette Executed

    Marie Antoinette Executed
    Months after her husband's trial and execution, Marie Antoinette faces her death. As the Reign of Terror had begun shortly before these executions, there were radical punishments for crimes. Her punishment was execution by the guillotine. Her execution occurred publicly on October 16, 1793, about nine months after her husband was executed. This marked the official end of the French monarchy/royal family and the beginning of Maximilien Robespierre's short rule. The next year's worse than before.
  • Maximilien Robespierre's Arrest and Execution, End of the Reign of Terror, National Convention Dissolved

    Maximilien Robespierre's Arrest and Execution, End of the Reign of Terror, National Convention Dissolved
    Less than a year after becoming the leader of France and the start of the Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre was arrested by the National Convention on July 27, 1794. The next day, he was executed and the Reign of Terror ended. Soon after his execution, the National Convention dissolved. After a very brutal year under Robespierre, there was finally some peace in France and the people weren't as fearful anymore.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Over

    Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Over
    Napoleon Bonaparte started in 1799 as a military leader and a proud citizen of France. On November 9, 1799, however, he decided to overthrow the Directory, the leading group before him, and was successful. He then declared himself the consul, or leader, of France, the first one of the country to be exact. Later on, he was named the emperor of France. This was a huge, sudden, and unexpected change for the French citizens and required a lot to shift politically and socially.