1792 BCE
War and Execution
The Prussian people were not in favor of King Louis not being a powerful king anymore and not having his position as an absolute monarch. This went to the fact that the Prussians went to war with the French. This really endangered the French. But as the French were defending their ground they were noticed that the supporters of Kind Louis were going to break out of prison and take over the city. This alarmed the French and the citizens reacted rapidly. They murdered over 1,000 prisoners. -
1791 BCE
Divisions Develop
For two years the National Assembly argued about a new constitution for France. Finally, they got into an agreement making France a limited monarchy changing completely France's government and society. After they had finished the new constitution, Louis approved it and the constitution was born. But, it also stripped much of the king's authority. This was because he had to agree. There was no choice since the people would win and, already had lost trust from their people since he tired to leave. -
1791 BCE
Louis Tries to Escape
King Louis XVI was not fascinated with the idea of the church and the state having a good restored relationship. Of course he declared himself as a monarch. But the people had spoken and they didn't want an absolute monarchy. When King Louis knew of this, he immediately tried to leave France. This was when King Louis gathered his family and tried to escape in order to get to Austrian Netherlands. When they got to the border, they were apprehended and had to put them under guard. -
1789 BCE
Dawn of The Revolution
Each Estate had one vote, but the privileged Estates could always outvote the 3rd Estate. On June 17 1789, the Estates came to an agreement to establish the National Assembly, in proclaiming the end of an absolute monarchy, and starting a respresentitive government. -
1789 BCE
The Assembly Reforms France
The Old Regime was a system which kept the 1st and 2nd Estates in power over the 3rd. In this matter, that 3rd Estate decided to make grand speeches, and declaring for their liberty and equality. By fear, the 3rd Estate also joined other members of the National Assembly in order to have more points, and reasons over the system of the
Old Regime. Fortunately the 3rd Estate was successful and the commoners were soon equal to the nobles and clergies. -
1789 BCE
Storming the Bastille
In Paris rumors grew and expanded. People thought that foreign troops were going to Paris to kill French citizens. Well, the rumors weren't false. A mob of people stormed in the Bastille into the prison. They overwhelmed the guard of the prison and took control over the building. Not to mention, they also freed all of the prisoners. -
1789 BCE
Persian Women
Thousands of Persian women were tired of King Louis XIV ruling over Paris. So they rioted over to the Versailles. They were rioting about the price of bread. This was because the cost of the bread had risen over the past days. So for them, it was too expensive. This caused the women to not win money. The women then demanded that King Louis and Marie Antoinette should leave and return to Paris. This had a big radical change since it changed power and reforms about to overtake France. -
1780 BCE
Economic Troubles
Near this time, France's economy was in decline. This caught the attention of merchants, factory owners, and bankers of the third Estate. The conduct of taxes at the moment made it almost impossible to have a successful business within France. Overall, this expanded also throughout other Estates and the price of many things doubled or were raised. -
1770 BCE
The Old Order
In Europe the social and political system stayed the same. This system was called, "Old Regime". Under this system the French were divided into three social classes. The 1st Estate, the 2nd Estate, and the 3rd Estate. The 1st Estate was the richest, they payed 2% of their money in taxes, and were 1% of the population. The second Estate, which was like the middle class, were 2% in population and paid almost no taxes. The 3rd Estate paid 50% in taxes and were 97% in population. -
1700 BCE
Setting The Stage
In Europe, France was considered the most advanced country. Because of its large population and prosperous foreign trade. They looked at it as it was the center of the enlightenment. Its culture was also wisely praised and imitated by the world.