French revolution timeline

  • formation of the national Assembly

    members of the third estate wanted to create a constitution that had equal rights for everyone. so the national assembly was created.
  • The Estates General Meeting of 1789

    The estates general meeting of 1789 was a meeting between the king and the estate's leaders to discuss the financial issues in France at the time. It was the first time the meeting was called in 175 years (1614)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath witch basically said we are going to stick together through thick and thin to make sure we have a constitution in france
  • Storming of the Bastille

    one of the first major events of the revolution. the french third estate members needed weapons and gunpowder so they broke into a prison brick by brick.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    because flour was so expensive, bread one of the main food items of a french person's diet was way overpriced. Because of this, the dock women marched to Versailles where the king and queen lived to first talk with them but later they hyped themselves up too much and probably would have killed the queen if they found her
  • The King and Queen move to Paris

    this was a result of the women march but after they agreed to live in pairs France to be close to the criticizes
  • The royal Flight to Varennes

    when the king and queen attempted to flee to Austria in order to meet with the queen's family in an attempt to stop the revolution.
  • King Louis signs the Constitution

    he was forced to sign the constitution even though later on he will get executed.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    they executed him because they thought as long as there is a king the revolution would never succeed
  • Reign of Terror

    this was a time during the revolution where the revolters were terrified that someone else would come into power and end the revolution. so instead of letting that happen, they executed anyone that tried to stop them. this resulted in over 17,000 public exicutions.
  • Queen Marie Antoinette is executed

    almost a year after her husbands execution her fate is sealed and he was executed
  • Robespierre is guillotined and end of the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre is guillotined and this is concerted the end of the Reign of terror. He was arrested and was not given a trial before his was the end of the most radical phase in France.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory by coup d'état and force. After he overthrew the Directory and replaced it with the Consulate.
  • Napoleon is recognized as the nations leader

    Napoleon is considered as the nations leader and calls himself the First Consul
  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself Emperor with the power of the pope and it's kind of ironic because he created a monarch in France after all the fighting and blood shed that the revolution caused.