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French Revolution Timeline

  • Calling of Estates General

    There was a financial crisis so the government put heavy taxes on peasants. The people were put into estates. 1st=clergy 2nd=nobles 3rd=peasants and burgiuoise etc.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Voting Issues and the Tennis Court Oath

    The National Assembly got locked out of their usual meeting place so they held their meeting in the tennis court. They made an oath to meet there.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    People stormed in the bastille which was a great fortress that had once held political prisoners. They went there to get weapons.
  • The Declaration Of Rights of Man and Citizen

    Men were upset that all mean were not equal. So this declaration was made that said all men are equal and have rights which the government protected.
  • The Women's March on Versailles

    The price of bread increased. So the women went to Versaille and protest for lower prices.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    In the past they were limited to the things they did in the church. This constitution allowed them to be freed from the restrictions.
  • The King tries to escape

    The Quen and nobles persuaded the king to flee. The Assembly saw the king as counterrevolutionary. Austria and Prussia protected the family. He escapes to Paris.
  • France Declares war on Austria and Prussia

    The Legislative assembly led the Jacobins to vote to declare war on Austria and Prussia. Overthrew the constitutional Monarchy into a republic.
  • Attack on Tuileries

    The Legislative assembly didnt know what to do with the king. A large crowd stormed the palace and the king tried escaping but was found in the act.
  • Creation of National Convention

    This was to provide a new constitution after they overthrew the monarchy.
  • The Execution of Louis

    Louis was beheaded because he waged treason.
  • Creation of the Committee of Public Safety

    A committee to ensure public safety led by Maxamillion Robespierre who later was executed.
  • Republic of Virtue

    The dechristianization of France.
  • End of the Republic of Virtue and Robespierre executed

    Robespierre was executed for introducing the cult of supreme being.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    This was the reaction against radicalism and it created a legislative government.
  • Napolean defends the National Convention

    Royalist rebels marched on the National Convention, a government official told Napoleon to be to defend. Napoleon and his men brought much gunfire upon the rebels.
  • The Consulate is Established

    Napolean overthrew the government and called himself the First Consul. He the government to the Consulate which he took over.
  • Concordant with the Pope

    Napolean agreed with Pope Pius to have more Catholic Churches. All clergy had to resign and new clergies were to be loyal to the state.
  • Napoleonic Code

    A code having basic laws based on the Enlightenment and revolution and was conservative.
  • Napolean is crowned emperor

    He overthrew the directory, became first consu, and made the constitution of year VII
  • The Continental System is established

    The cutting of British Trade. This happened because Britain was weak after a war so Napolean brought economic changes upon them.
  • Invasion of Spain

    France invaded Spain to force Portugal to abandon its alliance.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    The continental system harmed Russian Economy. War erupted and Russias strategy was to retreat.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Napoleon returned to France early after being defeated. He abandoned his army and spread the word around France that he won the battle. Soon they found out the truth and exiled him.