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French Revolution Timeline

  • Calling of the Estates General

    Calling of the Estates General
    Louis XVI called in the estates- generals to talk about raising taxes. France was ruled by the rich and powerful but was poor due to a lot of debt. This is important because raising taxes was something that bothered many citizens and led them to revolt.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The oath was a vow taken by the General Assembly to never separate until there was a new constitution. This was the first moment the people of France opposed Louis XVI and felt hope that they would be able to conquer his ruling.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    Parisians believed the fortress of Bastille held weapons. Their decision to attack it for weapons was the first violent attack in the revolution. They killed the fortress commander and some soldiers to break in. when they did, though, there were no weapons, just prisoners that they were able to free.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    France's National Constituent Assembly wrote this civil rights documents for its citizens. It proclaimed freedom, equality, access to public office, and exemptions from taxation. It was the first step to forming a new constitution.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Women marched to convince Louis XVI to leave the Versailles Palace and see the poor conditions France was in. This was also one of the first big movements of the revolution. They went to ask for bread, so they could eat, and Louis XVI agreed to later meet and discuss.
  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Louis XVI is Executed
    Because of many more years of violence and increasing debt Louis XVI was called to not being a good enough ruler and was executed. He and his wife were executed by means of the guillotine. The National Convention had convicted the king in a near-unanimous vote and condemned him to death by a simple majority.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    This was a very dark and violent time during the French Revolution. After Louis XVI's and his wife's execution, there was a lot of political and economic uncertainty in France. Radicals took control over the government and would execute by guillotine anyone who was suspected of being unloyal to the revolution.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre was one of the radicals who took over the government during the Reign of Terror. He killed approximately 40,000 people and was the main source of fear during this time. The Committee of Public Safety executed him and brought an end to the Reign of Terror.
  • Directory is Created

    Directory is Created
    The Directory was a five-member committee that took over the French government. They were chosen by the new legislature, the Council of Five Hundred, and the Council of Ancients. This was due to the new 1975 constitution.
  • Napoleon Rises to Power

    Napoleon Rises to Power
    The throne was empty and Napoleon aspired to be in it. The revolution gave him the opportunity to show his military success and start to create an image for himself. His rise only guaranteed peace and order. Napoleon overthrew the Directory but was established as a ruler with their consent. Napoleon remained in power until 1813.