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French Revolution timeline

  • Louis XVI crowned king of France

    Louis XVI crowned king of France
    Louis XVI was crowned king of France after his father died and went on to marry Marie Antoinette.
  • Period: to

    French revolution timespan

  • American revolution begins

    American revolution begins
    The american revolution was when The american people revolted against Britain, and in turn influenced the french people to do the same thing, and its part of why their finances were low too, because they financed the american revolution.
  • Calling of the estates general

    Calling of the estates general
    The king wanted permission from the estates to tax the 1st and 2nd estate, but the 3rd estate felt misrepresented and went on to create the national assembly
  • Formation of the national assembly

    Formation of the national assembly
    The national assembly was formed when the 3rd estate was fed up with the 2nd and 1st, so they created their own legislative body.
  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    Everyone in the national assembly went to an indoor tennis court in Versailles and signed an oath to never leave the assembly until a constitution was made
  • Attack on the bastille

    Attack on the bastille
    The Bastille was a prison mostly used to hold political prisoners, and was infiltrated by an angry mob and is what started the revolution
  • French women force Louis XVI to leave versailles

    French women force Louis XVI to leave versailles
    Thousands of Parisian women went to Versailles and protested that the king do something about the food famine and also they wanted the king to leave the palace, which he did
  • Declaration of war against austria

    Declaration of war against austria
    Revolutionaries and reactionaries had different reasons for the war against Austria, such as the Revolutionaries wanted the country to be united and Reactionaries wanted it because they thought their new government would lose to Austria so King Louis XVI would come back to the throne
  • The national convention is formed

    The national convention is formed
    The national convention was formed primarily to make a new constitution for france
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    Louis XVI was executed by guillotine For talking with Austria and was charged for treason
  • Reign of terror begins

    Reign of terror begins
    The time that Maximilian Robespierre was in power, was called the reign of terror which was where many people were executed for even remotely believing of opposite beliefs or talking about the king in a good light
  • The thermidorian reaction

    The thermidorian reaction
    in thermidor or in today's calendar July the people became tired of the killings and also Robespierre was executed
  • The directory is formed

    The directory is formed
    The directory was a two house legislature made up of upper middle class men, but shortly after they came to power they were overwhelmed by many problems.
  • Napoleon comes to power

    Napoleon comes to power
    Napoleon was a military general who came to power by a coup'd'etat which was a swift seizure of power
  • Napoleon invades russia

    Napoleon invades russia
    Napoleon invaded Russia for not following the continental system, and went with 680,000 men but came back with only 120,000 men, because of the cold harsh winters in russia
  • Napoleon gets defeated at waterloo

    Napoleon gets defeated at waterloo
    Napoleons army was defeated at Waterloo by British and Prussian forces, also he was sent to st.helena to live secluded, but died of a stomach ulcer