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French revolution timeline

  • Louis XVI is crowned the king of France

    Louis XVI is crowned the king of France
    After Louis XV died of smallpox, Louis XVI was crowned king at the age of 19. Louis XVI was the last french monarch before the french revolution.
  • American revolution begins

    American revolution begins
    The american revolution was a war about the american colonies wanting to gain independence from Britain. The american revolution greatly influenced the french revolution
  • Calling of the estates general

    Calling of the estates general
    Louis XVI calls the estates the general to try to solve France's financial problem, they haven't met since 1814. The third estate leaves to create the national assembly because they want more representative power since they are 97% of France.
  • Formation of the national assembly

    Formation of the national assembly
    In the estates general each estate only gets one vote, no matter how big each estate is. The 3rd estate decides to leave because they say that they are the people and should get to have more say than the 1st and 2nd estate
  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    After Louis XVI locks the 3rd estate out of their meeting area they go to a tennis court. There they vow to never to separate and to create a constitution
  • Attack on the bastille

    Attack on the bastille
    The 3rd estate stormed the Bastille prison to get weapons, at the time there were only 7 prisoners. The day has become a national holiday in France
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    Thousands of women who were rioting about the bread shortage, grabbed weapons and marched on to Versailles. They encircled the palace and forced Louis XVI and his family to return with them to Paris.
  • Declaration of war against Austria

    Declaration of war against Austria
    The public opinion of the war split into 2 views, the reactionaries wanted the war because they thought the new government would be easily defeated. The revolutionaries wanted the war because they thought it would unify France.
  • The national convention is formed

    The national convention is formed
    The national convention was the second government during the french revolution. They made a new constitution.
  • King Louis XVI is executed

    King Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis is charged with treason and is executed on January 21, 1793. He attempted to give a speech but was drowned out by the drums. He was executed by guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    The reign of terror was the time that Maximilian Robespierre was in power. During this time many people, mainly peasants, were executed for even mentioning anything that was against the revolutions beliefs.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • The thermidorian reaction

    The thermidorian reaction
    during thermidor which was Robespierre's month for July. people became tired of living under his rule and standing by watching people getting executed. So they overthrew Robespierre and executed him
  • The directory is formed

    The directory is formed
    The directory is the third government in the French revolution. It was split into two legislative houses made up of upper and middle class men
  • Napoleon comes to power

    Napoleon comes to power
    Napoleon was a military general who seized power by setting up a coup'd'etat. He was very popular among the french people.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Out of frustration for Russia not carrying out the continental system, Napoleon invades Russia. He pushes deep into Russian territory, but keeps pushing forward during the Russian winters. He started out with 680,00 men but only 120,000 men came back. .
  • Napoleon gets defeated at waterloo

    Napoleon gets defeated at waterloo
    Napoleon takes a last stand at the battle of Waterloo, but he is defeated by British and Prussian forces. Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena and dies there of a stomach ulcer.