Marriage of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
<a href='' >http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_did_Marie_Antoinette_get_married</a>
They got married because the French people needed a king. The marriage made an alliance with Austria and everyone in the 1st and 2nd estate are happy. -
Causes of French Revolution
There are many things that caused the French Revolution. Debt, Taxation, and Famine were some of the leading causes. The People eventually rebelled against the King http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture11a.html -
National Assembly Created
National Assembly Created to revolutionize the king cause he likes to play with boats. This was created when the people revolted against the monarchy. <a href='' >http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture12a.html</a> -
Tennis Court Oath
<a href='' >http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/english/8am.asp</a> An oath made that until the freedom was attained that they would meet at the tennis court till fredom was gotten. They had to meet here because the king locked the doors. -
Attack on The Bastille
<a href='' >http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/French_Revolution</a>
The Bastille was attacked and the king and queen were kidnapped and forced to go to paris. Then things were signed to make a constituional monarchy -
Period: to
French Revolution
<a href='' >http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/d/282/</a> Document of the revoltution that gave the common man rights of people. They got it so they had rights and freedom. -
Bread March
<a href='' >http://bob-blair.org/french_revolution_bookI.html</a>
Women went and rioted to have the king and queen brought to justice. 3rd estate women gathered to attack the castle and then they got their enlightment rights. -
Royal Escape
<a href='' >http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Places/Europe/France/_Texts/CROROY/Fuite_de_Varennes*.html</a>
The king and queen atempt to escape into Austria to take back France. They are stopped and caught and then forced to bare the shame of treason against ones people. -
Death of King Louis 16
<a href='' >www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article703107.ece</a>
King Louis was executed after morale was needed and in order to become a true democracy the symbol for a king must die. Suprisingly he didn't cry or soil his pants. -
Reign of Terror
<a href='' >www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/inourtime_20050526.shtml</a>
This is when that one dude kept executing everyone thought to be conspiring. This led to many deaths including revolutionary leader... forgot his name -
Death of Marie Antoinette
<a href='' >http://www.marcjimenez.com/autores_lengua_alemana/Helge_Hesse/42_Ingles_Castellano_Aleman.htm</a>
As her husband Marie too was a symbol to monarchy and had to be killed to reach true enlightenment. Marie was killed as a commoner and wasn't given the same treatment her husband was given. -
Napoleon Becomes Dictator of France
<a href='' >http://www.booknotes.org/Watch/174208-1/Andrew+Roberts.aspx</a>
No actual date is given but the year Napoleon effictively became dictator was 1799. Under Napoleon France almost conquers the world but makes 2 of the worst mistakes a country could make. -
Battle of Waterloo
<a href='' >http://www.booknotes.org/Watch/174208-1/Andrew+Roberts.aspx</a>
This is the battle where Napoleon was winning but had a ulcer and had to have emergancy surgery. The commander napoleon put in charge cracked under pressure and Napoleon was exiled again.