French Revolution Time Line

  • The Call of the Estates General

    The Call of the Estates General
    All of the estates walked in the hall at Versailles. The third estate called the meeting and wanted to make it to where the voting was by head and not by one vote for each estate. Everything would be equal because the first and second estate always vote together and the third estate has the majority of the people. The king denied and refused their idea.
  • The “Tennis Court Oath”

    The “Tennis Court Oath”
    This was a group of people that had a representative from each state and they would all meet together and vote on something,they wanted the votes to be headcount instead of one vote and they declined their request. They got kicked out of their own meeting and they didn’t know why.They thought the the king was forcing them to disband. So they ended up moving to a nearby indoor tennis court,and there they took an oath never to separate until a written constitution had been established for France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    This is where Paris crowd stormed the Bastille because the wanted weapons and prisoners. They demanded weapons they thought to be stored there. The Storming of the Bastille quickly became a symbol of the French Revolution, Today, the French still celebrate July 14 as Bastille Day.
  • Deceleration of the Rights of man

    Deceleration of the Rights of man
    Woman participated and helped a lot with the revolution. The Deceleration did not mention woman at all and whenever they woman found out about that they were all very angry and upset. It even made people more mad when the delectation failed to talk about slavery.
  • Civil constitution of the Clergy

    Civil constitution of the Clergy
    The main thing the government wanted to happen was to reduce the number of bishops from 135 to 83. They still wanted to do it even though that it was passed by many clerics and many of them disagreed with the rulers put on the church. Only seven Bishops took the oath. The government took harsh measures against the clergy that wasn't participating in the oath as enemies of the states.
  • First use of guillotine

    First use of guillotine
    The guillotine was created to behead prisoners in an easy quick way they would be very entertaining that people would love to go and watch with their family. The first time it was used is as early as 1307. There is also some evidence to suggest that the head had some life for a moment after the head was severed and so the death might not be as quick as it thought to be.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    He was executed by the guillotine. He assembled the States General, a national assembly that represented the three estates of the French people which consisted of the nobles, the clergy, and the commons. He was executed on January 1, 1793, and his wife soon after that got beheaded. There was also a nursery rhyme that was created about is execution.
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    This was the day that the government decided to harshly punish anyone that seemed to be an enemy. The this time over 300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 were killed by execution. This event had economic, price control, and religious sides involved.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    This man was the main person in charge of the French revolution's reign or terror. Him and along with him were 21 of his followers were executed before a cheering mob in Paris. He was the one who wanted the king to be put on trial for treason and after his death he became the leader.
  • Siege of Mantua

    Siege of Mantua
    The siege of Mantua was the Austrian Army trying to take over Northern Italy. This happened, because the Austrian was not included in the region. The siege lasted four months.