06 french revolution

french revolution time line

  • meeting of theEstates General

    meeting of theEstates General
    meeting of the estates general was a meeting between the first second and third estate. it was to approve new taxes. the last met 175 years ago usually the fisrt and seccond estate would be voted together. the third estates would refuse the kings orders.the meeting of the estates general was in the face of a financial crysis and weakening power of the king. the deputies of the third estate feared that they would be over ruled by two priveledge orders in attempt at refrom.
  • the natinal assembly

     the natinal assembly
    the creation of the national assembly was the idea of restricting the powers of the king. it stoped fuedalism between the first estate and second estate.the most important thing was the tennis court oath which was when they agree not to leave the tennis court untill they made a constitution.it also proved the declaration of rights of man and of the citizen which was when the declaration guarannteed freedom of speech the press and religion but these rights were not extend to women
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    the bastile was an ancient old prison where the people sought to harm them selves against the kings actions. and the people who where against the monarchy wehere held.800 men of the third estates destroyed it and freed prisonners. the mob tried to negotiate with the bastilles commander for weapon. than they killed the commander and stuck his head on a long stick whille parading it on the streets. it was a symbole of wat they were going to do to the king and warning of the start of a revolution.
  • declaratiom of the rights of man and the citizen

    declaratiom of the rights of man and the  citizen
    a decleration of the rights of man and of the citizen trumbled religiouse freedom and liberty of press and assembly while reffering propety rights. the decleration laid out the basic principles of the french revolution___liberty,equality,fraternity and ( brotherhood ). the declaration guaranteed freedom of speech the pess and religion.
  • national convention

    national convention
    the national convention was created because the legislative assembly lost power. the three leaders were jean paul marat he advcate violence and was the leader of the paris san culottes georges-jaques danton was a violent agitator in the earlydays of the revolution popular with the public. maximillien robes pierre knowned for intense dedication to the rvolution he became increasingly radical and led the national convention duing its most blood thirsty time.
  • execution of the king

    execution of the king
    the king was schedualled to die on january 21 1793. the montaguards were eager to try and execute the king in order to prevent a return of the monarchy and to defend the revolution from its enemies.the excution of the king of france would raise surch a storm in england that the whigs would be sumbmerged.after the execution of the king the reign of terror during which the ruling faction rutheless exterminated all potential enemies of wat ever sex age.
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    the reign of terror forced louis xvi and marie antoinette to move back to paris evryone was getting paranoid nobles moved outof paris in 1791 royals try to escape they get caught in get put in to house arrest.which lead to champ de mars massacre in july they started getting pertions saying they dindnt want kings. they dindt like people rising to royalty than a constitutional monarchy got created and most of the kings powers got removed.during this period of time france was broke.
  • coup d' etat

    coup d' etat
    in 1794 was the first backward step for the revolution he did not want revolt anymore anymore than louis xiv had and this is reflected in the changes he made in this city