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French Revolution through Napoleon's Rule

By ashlyb
  • Estates general convened by king

    Estates general convened by king
    king louis XVI had called in the estates general to a meeting in Versailles to aprrove the tax plan. this was the first the estates general had met since 1614. the Estates-General deliberatedon the course the French Government this assembly was made up of the 1st estate and 2nd estate. the third estate was not apart of the assembly because their vote did not count.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    The tennis court oath was taken by deputes of the Third estate, they vowed never to sperate until a written constitution was established for France. The 3rd estate was locked out of the estates genral , so they met in the tennis court.
  • stroming of the Bastille

    stroming of the Bastille
    a huge mob marched to the bastille searching for gun powder and other weapons, They were also insearch of prisoners that they thought king louis had taken captive. the king had called in troops just incase he had to use force.
  • Period: to

    national assembly decrees aboliton of fuedalism

    the rights of the 2nd and 1st estates were taken away by the national assembly. They obolished game laws, taxation as well as favoritism.
  • national assembly decress declaration of the rights of man and the citizen

    national assembly decress declaration of the rights of man and the citizen
    The national assembly declarates the rights of men.The Marquis de Lafayette, with the help from his friend Thomas Jefferson, wrote The Declaration of the Rights of Man the rights of man declared that everyone was equal. Equality was the main reason for the french revolution, People wanted to be equal. With the rights of men, each person was as important as the next.
  • women's march for bread to versailles

    women's march for bread to versailles
    women we rioting over the high price of bread. The women got weapons and marched to the royal palace demanding that the price of bread be lowerd. With the high price of bread, The King agreed to meet with some of the women and promised to distribute all the bread in Versailles to the crowd.
  • Abolition of nobility and tittels

    Abolition of nobility and tittels
    The national assembly abolished nobility. Tittles such as , "lord","your majesty", "your royal highness", were no longer aloowed to be used. nobility by birth, nobility by office were all abolished.
  • Black citizens of french colonies granted equal rights.

    Black citizens of french colonies granted equal rights.
    The society of the blacks was a group of french men and women , mostly white, who were abolitionists. the black citizens were grated equal rights. in febuary of 1794, the national assembly legislated the universal emancipation decree, which effectively freed all colonial slaves
  • Begining of legislative assembly

    Begining  of legislative assembly
    the French Assemblée Législative, was the national parliament of France during part of the Revolutionary time period. as well as during the Second Republic. The first was created in September 1791 and was in session from Oct. 1, 1791, to Sept. 20, 1792,
  • execution of king louis XVI

    execution of king louis XVI
    king louis was trialed and executed. he was behead infront of millions , like a regular criminal. king louis was executed because he failed to uphold his duty as a king. he was not intelligent nor courages enough to run a monarchy, so when the monarchy fell he went along with it.
  • Jacobin masses strom the tuileries palace, massacring the swiss guard, and the king imprisoned

    Jacobin masses strom the tuileries palace, massacring the swiss guard, and the king imprisoned
    this was the day the french monarchy fell. people took actions agianst the king. king Louis had been given information that told him an angry mob was headed for the palace, so he decided to move himself and his family to the Legislative Assembly building .then the king was later captured,imprisoned and trialed.
  • comitte of public safety is established

    comitte of  public safety is established
    The comitte of public safety takes power as the excutive. It was formed by the by the National Convention during the reign of terror.It was set up in April 1793 to defend France against its enemies, foreign and domesticAfter the King was removed from power, the Commitee was established and precided over the Reign of Terror in which all royalists, dissidents and moderates fell under the guillotine. The committee ruled for a over a year 1793-4.
  • beginning of the reign of terror

    beginning of the reign of terror
    A period of terror began when the french revolution enterd political conflicts between the girondins and the jacobins.The Reign of Terror began when Robespierre declaredTerror,The Terror was designed to fight the enemies of the revolution, to prevent counter-revolution from gaining ground.
  • end of the reign of terror

    end of the reign of terror
    By the end of the reign of terror no one was safe from Robespierre.The National Convention turned on Robespierre and he is sentenced to death(beheading) . Robespierre was acuused of dictatorship and tyrany.then a new government was formed, A two house legislative body and a five man executive called The Directory, and Napoleon Bonaparte is put in charge of France’s armies.
  • creation of the directorate

    creation of the directorate
    The Directory became France's executive power between 1795 and 1799.There were five members, and each was elected by the Council of Ancients (les Anciens) and the Five Hundred (Cinq-Cents).It was effective in its first years, but then corruption and self-service affected it.
  • Napoleon bonaparte named " first consul"

    Napoleon bonaparte named " first consul"
    Napoleon staged his military cop d'etat and was now the effective dictator of france. Napoleon named himself the "first consul" of france. he was not a french native he was born in Corsica . He became dictator of france in the later stages of the revolution.
  • Napoleon consecrated as emperor

    Napoleon consecrated as emperor
    Napoleon was named emperor of France. He crowned himself emperor of France. He was the greatest military genius of his time and perhaps the greatest general in history. He created an empire that covered most of western and central Europe.