French Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    Stage I

  • Declaration of the Emptying of the Royal Treasury

    On this day, the royal treasury was declared empty, which led to many further conflicts.
  • Jacques Necker is Hired into the Treasury

    Jacques Necker replaces the previous treasurer of the royal treasury and becomes liked by the third estate.
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    This was a meeting between all of the estates prior to any revolutionary action in which they discussed financial issues of the country and eventually the issue of an imbalance in the voting system came about.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was an oath between the political members of the third estate, which worked to help gain rights and representation for the majority of the French Revolution. This was essentially the beginning of the revolutionary efforts.
  • Jacques Necker is Fired

    Jacques Necker is fired due to his associations with the third estate, which caused upheaval in the third estate
  • Period: to

    Great Fear

    The Great Fear was A time period in France of mass mobs and chaos due to an overwhelming fear from the third estate that the higher estates would overthrow them.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille was one of the final events of the great fear and involved the raiding and ransacking of the Bastille, a major French prison that had become a symbol of the corruption of the aristocracy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a document created by the political leaders of the third estate that listed the basic rights of humans and of French citizens.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    The Woman's March was a gathering of local French, third estate women who banded together to revolt and create chaos.
  • Bread Mob

    There is a massive mob in Versailles that protested the raising bread prices
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    This was a law passed that made the clergy subordinates to the French Government, thus removing much of their power.
  • Period: to

    Stage II

  • Chapelier Law is Passed

    This law made it to where unions could not form to make a voice against the Monarchy
  • Flight to Varrenes

    The Royal Family attempts to flee France to enter Austria in order to escape the rising revolution but are eventually caught and returned to Paris when they arrive in Varrenes
  • Massacre of Champ de Mars

    There is a large massacre in France as a result of anguish from the renewal of the King's rule
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    This was a major declaration signed in Pillnitz castle which was essentially a plea of the royal family to surrounding countries to help get the King back in power.
  • Slavery Abolished in France

    Slavery is finally abolished in France but still continues in French Colonies
  • Haiti Slave Revolt

    Haitian slaves revolt against the oppressive french colonialists in an effort to gain freedom, which works
  • Insurrection of August 10th

    This was a revolt against the monarchy that involved the storming of the Tuileries Palace and resulted in the fall of the French Monarchy.
  • Period: to

    September Massacres

    A series of violent massacres occurred due to the overwhelming fear that a force would rise that would put the monarchy back in power
  • French Monarchy is Abolished and Republic Rises

    The French Monarchy is officially overthrown and replaced with a republic
  • Start of Louis XVI's Trial

    Louis XVI’s trial for his crimes against humanity and France begin
  • Period: to

    Stage III

  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Due to his crimes against France, Louis XVI is beheaded for public enjoyment
  • Merat's Assasination

    Charlotte Corday assassinates Jean-Paul Merat in his medicinal bath
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    This was a period of time late in the revolution that was notoriously violent and filled with beheadings
  • Period: to

    Great Terror

    This was a sub-period during the reign of terror in which the violence exceeded any amount that existed prior
  • Festival of the Supreme Being

    the Festival of the Supreme Being was a festival created by Robespierre that was meant to incorporate a sort of controlled divinity into the people of France.
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed and thus the ends the reign of terror
  • French defeat the Prussians

    After much frighting and heartache, the French finally defeat the Prussian during the Battle of Valmy
  • National Convention Declares War Against France

    The French National Convention declares war on Spain after their pushes to invade the periphery of France
  • Period: to

    Counter Revolution in Vendee

    This was a counter revolution led by some of the royal army that worked to remove the revolutionaries from France
  • De-christianization of France

    this marks the start of the de-christianization of France which is used to better control the clergy and nobles
  • Danton is Executed

    Danton is executed for supposedly supporting anti-revolutionary ideals.