french revolution project

  • king louis moves to paris

    king louis moves to paris because of the mob growing. This was mainly cause becasue of the revoution.
  • stormig the bastilles

    this event was to release prioner and gather supplies. This help with the bread issue as now people were able to eat and be healthy
  • delcration of man and citzen

    this was a delcration that said every man and citze had rights. The reason that this delacration mainly happped was because of the unfair treatment they recived.
  • womans march on verstilles

    the womans march on vertilles happed because of unfair woman treatment and unfair bread prices.
  • a state controlled church

    this basically mean that the church had no power and the king had all power. King louis made sure this happend becasue he wanted all the power.
  • king louis tries to escape

    king louis tries to escape from paris to escape the mob. due to the vicousics mob growing
  • meeting of estate general

    this was a meeting of the estate to discuss how each person and what class they live in. They also discussed where and how much their jobs should make.
  • national assembly

    this was a meeting that all the king and goverment officals gather around with. even tho there is goverment officals the king made all of the decsions.
  • commitee of public safety/ reign of terror

    this was a time where a numerous amout head to fall and commitee of public was to control of how many heads can fall. robes perrier the man who called for the head said 200,000 heads must fall.
  • King louis death

    king louis excuted because of failure to support people and unfair treatment. this later was a huge event that change the way of the recvoultion