French revolution project

  • king louis 16 gets married

    king louis 16 gets married
    On april 19,1770 marie antoinette and king louis the 16 married in the augustine church in Vienna. on may 16,1770 french weading was held st the versailles in chapel royan. king louis 16 was 15 and marie antoinette was 14.
  • king louis 15 becomes king

    king louis becomes king on may 10,1774.his coronation was june 11,1775 at age 20. Even though he became king at age 19.he was king up untill august 10th 1792.
  • national assembly

    national assembly
    The national assembly was created june 17,1789. it was made up of mostly lower clergy. They took the oath to meet there everyday untill the constitution was finished. On june 20th 1789 the king made the national assembly leagal.
  • tennis court oath

    tennis court oath
    Te 3rd estate decide to meet but the king had locked all dorrs in his palace. The 3rd estate or (nastional assembly) decided to meet at the nearby tennis courts.The had said they would meet there untill the constitution was finished. Also untill they ended the absolute monarchy.
  • bastille attacked

    bastille attacked
    teh king had srrounded paris with 30,000 the people stop 28,00 muskets but no gun powderwas to be found. The place they knew stored some was the bastille. the bastillle was a prison that was a symbol of kings absolute and aribitry power. the people invaded and was said to only be gaurded by 30 swiss gaurds and 80 otheres.
  • creation of declaration of rights of man

    creation of declaration of rights of man
    it was passed on august 27,1779 by the national assembly. It foresed the nobles to give up privlaiges and gave people a promise too protect natural rights.It granted all men to the right of justus,freedom of speech.also the freedom of religion. It was mostly made of with ideas from the enlightenment .
  • bread march

    bread march
    thousand of women from paris marched 12 miles to versaille palace. they carrie anything they could use as a weapon. they were angry about the shortage of bread and the high pirces. they broke own the gates killed guards and took king and queen. they were forced to leave versailles forever.
  • royal family tries to excape

    royal family tries to excape
    The royal family tried to excape from france to austria. They were captured in varennes about 30 miles away from there destination. they were captured and confined to the Tuileries palace. they were said to have been caught becaouse of there berlin coach. it was very different from regular ones.
  • france goes to war vs. austria/prussia

    france goes to war vs. austria/prussia
    as a result of the royal family trying to escape. the french declared was on austria. french started looking fo scape goats. king and queen both were accused of sendin letters to prussia and austra.
  • the guillotine.

    the guillotine.
    it was invented by dr. joseph guillotine. victoms faced down between two vertical suspended beams. A huge blade of over 40 kilos that was droppe from a height of 2.3m. First exicution was april 25 1792
  • king is killed

    king is killed
    The king was offically arested and sent to prison after 3 days after freance tured to a republic.tryal was at the convention. january 21,1793 king louis the 16 was executed in france by deeath of gullotine.
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    The radical party of the Jacobins had gained power over the Convention and set up a Committee of Public Safety to protect the state. Under Jacobin rule and the influence of Robespierre, the period known as the Reign of Terror commenced. This was an attempt to destroy the enemies of the revolution who were still in France. Anyone accused of counter-revolutionary activities or opposing the revolution was arrested, had a quick trial then executed by the guillotine.
  • death of mari

    death of mari
    killed by the guillotine. she was accuse of sending letters to austria about the army. charge of horrile crimes an even incest with her son. her trial started october 14 1792. her remains were transford to saint peris cathedral ain 1815 along with kinglouis 16
  • killing of robespierre

    killing of robespierre
    He had dominated the comittie of public saftey. A women tried to exicute him but she was captured. Her death was one month later by guillotine. Robespierre was killed by guilllotine without trial.
  • napolean bonaparte

    napolean bonaparte
    Him becoming leader marked the end of french revolutin. Came to rul in 1799 and changed france from a constitutional monarchy to a dictator ship. he had over thrown the government.
  • napolean becomes cosutate

    napolean becomes cosutate
    napolean held a plebicite ,vote o people, french voted strongly in favor of his leadership. it was un fair because he was the only one "running". people who didnt want him didnt vote an he promised order and stability. he took the crown as emporor of france in 10/21/1804