French Revolution- Napoleon Major Events

By w30104
  • Period: to

    French Revolution Napoleon Major Events

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Louis XVI calles meeting of the Three Estates to Versailles
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    the third estate gets banned out of the meeting and forms the national assembly
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the national assembly go into an indoor tennis courth in Versailles and make an oath not to leave until they make a constitution
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    French peasants in Paris hear news that the king's army is coming to Paris so they storm the Bastille for gunpowder
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    peasants attack French nobles' manor houses to get rid of any documents from the feudal system
  • Assembly issues Declaration of Rights of Man

    Assembly issues Declaration of Rights of Man
    National Assembly creates a document for the rights of people
  • Woman Storm Versailles

  • Louie XVI and Family Flee France

    Louie XVI and Family Flee France
    Louis XVI and his family have a plan to take a carriage to Austria
  • National Assembly Issues Constitution

  • France declares war on Austria and Prussia

    France fears war with Austria and Prussia so it declares war first
  • France becomes a Republic

    France becomes a Republic
    France eliminates the monarch and becomes a republic
  • Louie XVI is executed

    the king is killed
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Robespierre declares a reign of terror to keep the revolution going
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    the queen is killed
  • Danton executed

    Robespierre decides to execute his enemy George Danton
  • Reign of Terror ends; Robespierre executed

    Reign of Terror ends; Robespierre executed
    Robespierre is executed ending the reign of terror
  • Napoleon promoted to General of Army of the West

    Napoleon promoted to General of Army of the West
    Napoleon gets promoted
  • Napoleon becomes First Consul of France

    Napoleon becomes First Consul of France
    Napoleon is the sole ruler of France now; France is basically a monarch again
  • Napoleon makes Constitution through Plebiscite

    Napoleon approves his constitution through vote of the people
  • Signing of the Concordat

    Napoleon makes an agreement with the pope so there is no problems with the church and state
  • France sells Louisiana territory to US

    Napoleon wants US to become enemy of Britain and sells land
  • Napoleonic Code established

    Napoleon issues a code for all the citizens of France
  • Napoleon crowned Emperor of France