Napoleon bonaparte crossing the alps

Napoleon's Reign

  • Napoleon Bonaparte was born.

    Born in Corsica. Favored the revolution and was a fiery Jacobin.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Reign

  • 18 Fructidor

    The antimonarchist Directory staged a coup d' etat to preserve the republic and prevent the peaceful restoration of the Bourbons. save directory
  • Treaty of Campo Formio

    More InfoThe treaty marked the victorious conclusion to Napoleon's campaigns in Italy, the collapse of the First Coalition, and the end of the first phase of the French Revolutionary Wars. It took Austria out of the war and crowned Napoleon's campaign with success. Before long, France cominated all of Italy and Switzeland.
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Napoleon hoped to drive the British fleet from the Mediterranean, cut off British communication with India, damage British trade, and threaten the British Empire.
  • Nelson defeats the French Navy in the harbor of Abukir in Egypt

    Cut French army from France
  • War of the Second Coalition

    The Russians, Austrians, and Ottomans joined Britain against France. They defeated France in Italy and Switzerland in 1799 and threatened to invade France.
  • 19 Brumaire

    Napoleon left Egypt to join Sieyes to ensure the success of another coup d' etat for an executive body independent of the whims of electorial politics. Consulate established in France. consulett
  • Constitution of the Year VIII

    Bonaparte pushed Sieyes aside. Established the rule of one man - the First Consul, Bonaparte. universal male suffrage with democratic principles, a complicated system of checks and balances to appeal to republicans and a council of state.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Napoleon concluded with Pope Pius VII, who had written that Christianity was compatible with the ideals of equality and democracy. The agreement required both the refractory clergy and those had accepted the revolution to resign. It placed the state above the church. "Catholicism is the religion of the great majority of French citizens."
  • Treaty of Amiens

    (Russia already left the Second Coalition; Treaty of Luneville early 1801 took Austria out of the War; Britain was alone.) Now peace was achieved throughout Europe. Ended the War of the Second Coalition.
  • War renewed between France and Britain

    War of the Third Coalition (1803-1806)
  • Napoleonic Code

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    AKA Civil Code. Safeguarded all forms of property and tried to secure French society against internal challenges. All privileges based on birth that the revolution had overthrown remained abolished; equality of all male citizens before the law.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself as to not allow anyone to think his power and authority depended on the church.
  • Crowned King of Italy

  • Nelson defeats French and Spanish fleet at Trafalgar

    This ended all of France's hopes of invading Britain and guaranteed British contol of the sea for the rest of the war.
  • Austerlitz

    Defeated the combined Austrian and Russian forces. Austrians withdrew from Italy. Recognized as Kind of Italy.
  • Confederation of Rhine

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    included most of the western German princes. This allowed Francis II to become Emperor Francis I of Austria and dissolve the ancient political body.
  • Jena and Auerstadt

    Crushed the famous Prussian army.
  • Continental System established by Berlin Decrees

    Initiated Continental system
  • Friedland

    Napoleon defeated the Russians and occupied East Prussia. The French emperor mastered all of Germany.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    Tzar Alexander I (r. 1801-1825) made peace. Confirmed France's gains; Prussia lost half its territory. Prussia openly and Russia secretly become allies of Napoleon.
  • Milan Decrees

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    Created to enforce the Berlin Decrees. Creates the Continental system. Prevents neutrals from trading with England.
  • Beginning of Spanish resistance to Napoleonic domination

    No longer allies; Spain joined Britain. Guerilla War 1808-1813; of the lower class. Tried to make his brother, Joseph, King of Spain. Lost 300,000 men total. Duke of Wellington AKA Sir Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852) commanded a British army to support the Spanish insurgents.
  • Marriage to Marie Louise

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    Divorce Josephine and married the 18 year-old due to dynastic ambitions.
  • Battle of Wagram

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    French army won against Austria. The resulting Peace of Schonbrunn deprived Austria of much territory and 3.5 million subjects.
  • Invasion of Russia and French defeat at Borodino

    Bloodiest battle, cost 30,000 French casualties and 2x as many Russians. Russian army was not destroyed and Napoleon won nothing substantial; it was viewed as a defeat.
  • Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)

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    combined armies of the enemy decisively defeated Napoleon
  • Treaty of Chaumont established the Quadruple Alliance

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    Treaty signed by Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Britain binding them to defeat Napoleon. Provided restoration of the Bourbons to the French throne and the contraction of France to its frontiers of 1792.
  • Congress of Vienna convenes

    Napoleon abdicated and went to exile
  • Napoleon returns from Elba

  • Period: to

    100 Days

    Frightened the great powers, and made peace settlement for France harsher.
  • Waterloo & Saint Helena

    In Belgium, Wellington (British) and Field Marshall defeated Napoleon. He then abdicated and was exiled to Saint Helena.
  • Holly Alliance formed at Congress of Vienna

    proposed by Alexander. Monarches romised to act together in accordance with Christian principles. Austria and Prussia signed; Castlereagh thought it was absurd, England abstained. Became a symbol of extreme political reaction.
  • Napoleon dies on Saint Helena