Period: to
French Revolution
Estates General Meeting
The estates general met for the first time in 175 years. The third estate would always get out voted. So the third estate left and created the National Assembly. -
Tennis Court Oath
After the Third estate left they made the National Assembly. Then they made the Tennis court oath. After the tennis court oath the made a constitution. -
Battle of the Bastille
A angry group of third estates men attacked the Bastille. They were hungry and unemployed. They were looking for guns and ammo. -
March on Versailles.
A group of angry people mostly women marched on the palace of Versailles. They raided it and demanded bread. They made King Louis come to Paris. -
Flight to Varennes
The National wanted to limit the Kings power by making France a constitutional monarchy. They left in hope of joining family in Austria The royal family left Paris but the got found in the town of Varennes. -
Dissolution of the National Assembly.
When the constitution finally went into play France became a constitutional monarchy. The National Assembly couldn't have a seat in parliament. The new Legislative Assembly was made up of radicals and royalists. -
French Revolutionary Wars.
European monarchies were concerned about the revolution in France. Austria the closest country was the most concerned. War was declared on Austria April 20 1792. -
Attack on the Tuileries Palace
The Legislative Assembly divided. The French radicalized Paris. 20,000 people attacked Tuileries Palace. -
Reign of Terror.
Maximilien Robespierre lead the Reign of Terror. 16,000 people were beheaded. Robespierre was the last person guillotined during the French Revolution. -
Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon won the war against Austria. Napoleon created the Consulate. He named himself Firtst Consul