1613480 orig

French Revolution

  • No more money to the governent

    No more money to the governent
    The bankers on France refused to lend the government more money due to bad management of the King and Queen.
  • Meeting of the States General

    Meeting of the States General
    Meeting at Versailles
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Voted to establish the National Assembly that leads to the Tennis Court Oath
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    A mob enters gun poweder to the prison, and starts to kill the police. They make they way inby force.
  • No more divisions

    No more divisions
    Feudalism had finally eneded, and divisions between the estated ended.
  • Bread Riots

    Bread Riots
    Persian women make riots over the rising price of bread
  • Royal Family try to escape!

    King Louis and his wife tried to escape from France to the Australian Netheraldn because they were in danged of being killed by the citizens.
  • New Consitution!

    New Consitution!
    Now the France government was a consitutional monarchy. And as a result, the Legalative Assembly was created.
  • No more King!

    The people of France have dicapitated their King to end the crisis on their country.
  • 300,000 men army

    The France army dratfs 300,000 people to fight against the Austria army.