The Royal Treasury Is Empty.
This is the build up to the Revolution. Citizens got angry and started to revolt against the king later they announced their treasury was empty. -
The Revolution Begins.
The beginning of a new year marked the beginning of the revolution. As the year went on, many workers revolted and were killed by police officials. -
German Soldiers Invade.
French are caught in a skirmish with the king's guard German soldiers at Bastille. They are forced to surrender Bastille. -
Establishing the declaration of man and of the citizen.
In an attempt to calm the people, the french government drafts the declaration of man and of the citizen. This gave rights to the citizen to partake in some government activities. -
New Political clubs rise.
Due to the belief that the people had of the french's unfit government. Different political beliefs rise that brought many disputes on which beliefs are better between the people. -
Unsuccessful escape of the royal family.
Royal family escapes to avoid the mob of people. They are recognized a little bit out in Verennes. -
War in the monarchy.
Due to no real form of control over the people. The citizens cause outrage and create the war in France. -
Trial of Louis the XVI.
Louis begins his trial of leading the nation into nothing. He is pronounced to be publicly executed for his crimes against humanity. -
France declares war against Europe.
The French convention has a break on diplomatic relations between England and them. France declares war on England. -
The public safety administration becomes head of the french government.
Due to no government form in France. They elect the Public safety administration to rule until they get their footing back.