By riglon
  • National assembly

    National assembly
    July 9th 1789 the national assembly takes over France
  • Start of French revolution

    Start of French revolution
    On July 14 1789 the French revolution begins
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    French citizens storm the Bastille for weapons in July 14 1789
  • Assembly abolishes nobility

    Assembly abolishes nobility
    June 19th 1790 the assembly abolishes the Nobility and all titles
  • King tries to escape

    King tries to escape
    June 21 1791 the king attempts to escape but is caught and returned to pairs
  • Trial

    December 11 1792 the trial of Louis the 16th begins
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    July 1793 through 1794
  • Guillotine

    In the reign of terror people were using the guillotine way too much to where 17000 people were executed
  • Queen is executed

    Queen is executed
    The first victim of the reign of terror was Marrie Antoinette
  • kings execution

    kings execution
    January 21 1793 the king is executed