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French Revolution

  • Louis XVI Calls The Estates-General.

  • National Assembly Formed.

  • Tennis Court Oath.

  • Storming Of The Bastille.

  • Declaration Of Rights Of Man And Citizen.

  • Women's March On Versailles.

  • Civil Constitution Of The Clergy Adopted.

  • The National Assembly Adopts Its Constitution In The Spring.

  • Louis XVI And His Family Attempt To Flee France, But Are Captured And Sent Back To Paris.

  • Legislative Assembly Declares War On Austria.

  • French Monarchy Abolished.

  • First Day Of The French Republic, The Basis For The Revolutions Calendar.

  • Louis XVI Executed Via Guillotine.

  • Reign Of Terror Begins.

  • Robespierre Executed Via Guillotine.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte Led A Coup D'etat, Or Government Overthrow.

  • Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor.

  • Battle Of Waterloo.