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French Revolution

By Araptv
  • Robespierre involved in the State

    Robespierre involved in the State
    With radical ideals, being a member of the Committee on Public Salvation, where he stated that the right of man was to provide for the preservation of his existence and that of freedom, which began to influence the factions.
  • French Finance

    French Finance
    During the reign of Louis XVI, Jacques Necker was in charge of finance, which even with the rise of the Third Estate, was renamed because France was bankrupt.
  • The "New Currency"

    The "New Currency"
    With the new currency of the "assignats", the French National Assembly sought to remedy the failures of the treasury, seeking a backing in the nationalized lands.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    An event that marked the modern European era, which shaped the political principles that drove the next revolutions and independence around the world, where discontent broke out in search of solutions.
  • Civil Constitution

    Civil Constitution
    This constitution in the clergy sought to reorganize the Church, transforming parish Catholic priests into ecclesiastical public officials.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The National Constituent Assembly, proclaims the first Constitution in France, establishing itself as a constitutional monarchy, with conservative principles.
  • Prussian invasions

    Prussian invasions
    Under the "patriotic" sense, France declares war on Austria, where the troops are defeated, so the territory is invaded; this intervention involves other nations and is known as the "First Coalition".
  • Tuileries Palace.

    Tuileries Palace.
    The assault on this palace was carried out by factions of the sans-culottes, federal troops and insurgents, among other groups of women, where threats were carried out.
  • French Republic

    French Republic
    Lois XVI was deposed as king, and the end of the monarchy was marked, as the National Assembly proclaimed the abolition of titles of the nobility.
  • Declaration to Great Britain, Holland and Spain.

    Declaration to Great Britain, Holland and Spain.
    After what happened with the ex-king, in a search for freedom and power, problems and declarations of war with other nation-powers begin, where coalitions are divided.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Condenated to guillotine and executed
  • The End

    The End
    The closing of this conflict meant the beginning of other revolutions arround the world, leading a message of faith for freedom