French revolution titulo

French Revolution

  • Estates-General

    The French Estates-General meets at the Versaille, the first meeting since 1614.
    The clergy and the nobles dominated the Parliament, each estate had one vote, this put the third estate at a disadvantage.
    The bourgeisie (third-estate) tried to convince that each delegate had a vote, so they could have and advantage. Because they had as many delegates as the other two estates together. However, the king didn't agree
  • National assembly

    National assembly
    The third estate delegates name themselves the National Assembly and represented the French people. They voted to proclaming the end of absolute monarchy and to start a representative government. This was the first act of revolution
  • Tenis Court Oath

    Tenis Court Oath
    When the Nation Assemply wanted to enter to their meeting room, the room was close so they broke the door of the tennis court, and they stayed there until they made a new constitution, some members of the second and third estate also joined. Louis stationed hs army around Versailles
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    People in Paris thought that Louis was using military force to defeat the National Assembly, some others thought that the militay was going to kill French citizens. This brought confusion so people began to use weapons in order to defend the city. On july 14 a mod searching guns stormed the Bastille (a prision), the mob became bigger and a lot of people died.
  • Great fear

    Great fear
    A Wave of Violence Called The Great Fear Swept The Country. Peasants Broke into and burned nobles'houses . They tore up documents that had forced them to pay fees to the nobles. In October a woman mod made a protest about the rising of the bread, they marched to Versailles. They demanded the National Assembly to take action, then they broke into the palace, killing some guards. They threatened Louis and Marie to return to Paris, and they agree.
  • The rights of Man

    The rights of Man
    These rigths included liberty, property,security and resistance to oppresion. This document also guaranteed citizens equal justice, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Their slogan is ''Liberty, Equality and Fraternity''
  • Woman marched to Versalles

    Woman marched to Versalles
    In October a woman mod made a protest about the rising of the bread, they marched to Versailles. They demanded the National Assembly to take action, then they broke into the palace, killing some guards. They threatened Louis and Marie to return to Paris, and they agree.
  • A state-Controlled Church

    A state-Controlled Church
    The National Assembly sold the church lands, and this money helped to pay debts. This alarmed peasants because they traded with them so many peasants opposed to the national assembly reforms.
  • Louis tries to escape

    Louis tries to escape
    Louis believed that it was not convenient for him to stay in France so he tried to escape to Austria, but he couldn't, so he and his family returned to Paris. The citizens hated him becuase he was betraying them.
  • A limited monarchy

    A limited monarchy
    After years of agruing the national Assembly finnaly decided to create a new consitution witg limited constitunional monarchy. This took power to the king. Obliously Louis had to accpet this.
    The Legislative Assembly had the power to create laws and to accept or decline declarations of war, but the king still had the executive power
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly had the power to create laws and to accept or decline declarations of war, but the king still had the executive power
    Problems appeared so the Legislative Assembly divided into three groups: the Radicals that were opposed to the monachy and wanted lot and fast changes; the Moderates that wanted changes but not as many as the radicals and the Conservatives that supported the monarchy, didnt want so much changes and were more calm than the radicals.
  • France declared war to Austria and Prussia

    France declared war to Austria and Prussia
    Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought war would unify the country, and had a genuine desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The Legislative Assembly set aside the constitution of 1791, and the new government (National Convention) abolished the monarchy and declared France as a republic, adult man citizens could bote bou women couln't.
  • Jacobins (radicals) take control

    Jacobins (radicals) take control
    Most of the changes that were made in September 1792 were Jacobins, so they held the power. One of their suporrters was Jean-Paul Marat who during the revolution he wrote a newspaper saying that those who supported the monarchy deserved death.
  • Louis death

    Louis death
    The National Convention took off Louis power, and he became a normal citizen and a prisioner Jacobins tried Louis for treason, and the Convention sentenced him to death. He was killed by the guillotine
  • Robespierre Assumes control

    Robespierre Assumes control
    Maximilien Robespierre was a strong Jacobin member, he change the callendar by quiting the Sundays, closed all the churches in all France. He became leader of the Committe of Public Safety, his period of ruling was known as the Regin of Terror. The main aim of the committe was to protect the Revolution form its enemies. He had many enemies inside France like peasants, priests, etc. He killled a lot of people just because they were against him or because he wanted.
  • End of Terror

    End of Terror
    Members of the National Convention turned against Robespierre and they killed him so the terror ended.
    After his death people change his mind. On 1795 the moderate leaders made a new plan of government, it placed power in the hands of the upper middle class and made a executive body of five men called the Directoty, these men were moderate. They found the rigth person to command France's armies, Napoleon Bonaparte.