French Revolution

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    Life of Louis XVI

    Even though the King wanted to improve the life of the common people he, however, did not have the skills to make decisions and determination to see his policies through. He was, in summary, weak and clearly inadequate to be a leader.
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    Life of Marie Antoinette

    This Queen was extremely unpopular among the French because of her spending and involvement in controversial court affairs.
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    The people of France were divided into three large social classes, which were called estates. The privileged estates were the two higher estates including the Roman Catholic Clergy and the other was made up of nobles. They were exempt from having to pay taxes, but were also entitled to access in high offices. The lower class was made up of 80% of the population of 26 million people, they were the poorest group that had to pay high taxes. The third estate was eager for change.
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    Problems with the King

    France's government began to sink deeply into debt. The king, Louis XVI and his queen Marie Antoinette were large spenders. The debt that was aqcuired during the American revolution was also another factor to the debt that France had. The banks refused to lend the government anymore money and the King faced serious problems.
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    Economic Troubles

    The once prosperous economy in France began to decline in the 1780s. The cost of living rose sharply and taxes began to become heavy.
  • Great Fear

    Thousands of People rioted over the rising price of bread, and demanded that the National Assembly provide them with the bread they needed. Then they express their anger to the king and queen and demanded that they return to Paris. Once the King and Queen left Versailles for the last time, it signaled the change of power and radical reforms about to overtake France.
  • Estates-General

    The forced meeting by the second estate was called "Estates-General", where they had a solution to impose taxes on the nobility to pay back debt.
  • National Assembly

    In June of 1789 it was voted to establish the National Assembly, it was the beginning of representative government, and the first deliberate act of revolution.
  • Storming of Bastille

    A mob searched Bastille, a Paris Prison, in search of arms and gun powder. The mob seized control over the building and angry protestors attacked the prison commander and several guards to death, and paraded around the town with the men's heads on pikes. This fall of Bastille marked tremendously French history, symbolizing the first act for revolution to the French.
  • Constitution Completed

    The constitution was completed by the National Assembly. This constitution limited the king of much of his authority. It also put into place the Legislative Assembly.
  • Louis XVI Tried to Escape

    Louis and thought about his fate as monarch and decided that he and his family were in danger. Feeling unsafe, he attempted to escape, but was caught and sent back to Paris. This assured his fate...
  • War and Execution

    The neighboring countries of France didn't want the ideas of revolution to break out in their own country, so they started a war against France. This lead to thousands of men and women the palace where the royal family was staying. The mob imprisoned the royal family, including Marie Antoinette and her children.
  • Reign of Terror

    Robespierre, a Jacobin leader, became a dictator over France. He beheaded those who were named his "enemies". 40,000 people were executed (by being beheaded) because of some very weak charges.
  • Kill the King

    A vote was taken by the National Convention, and found that Louis XVI was guilty and sentenced to death. He was beheaded by a machine called the guillotine.
  • End of Fear

    the radical phase of fear and execution was ended with Robespierre at the guillotine. They finally found the right general to command France's armies...Napoleon Bonaparte.