Events Leading to Revolution
Landowners to increase their sources of revenue- the lower class harder and is taxed more. -
Period: to
Events Leading to the Revolution
France supports the Patriots in the American Revolution, leading to more national debt. -
Events Leading to the Revolution
Charles Alexandre de Calonne called an assembly of Notables to have the upper class share in the national debt buy paying taxes. They refused -
Events Leading to the Revolution
A meeting of the estates-General was called by Louis XVI in Versailles to discuss and approve a new tax plan. Meeting collectively gives the Third Estate a decided majority while meeting as individual Estates. -
Events Leading to the Revolution
The Third Estate is kicked and meet on the Tennis Court. A few of the liberal nobles and many clergy join them and swear the Tennis Court Oath: "We won't separate until constitutional regime was established." -
Period: to
Beginnings of the Revolution
The period of the Grande Peur. Peasants start robbing and burning some of the chateaux of the rich and burn records of money owned. -
Beginnings of the Revolution
The declaration of the Rights of Man was issued by the National Assembly. -
Beginnings of the Revolution
The first meeting of the National Convention was held. A republic is established. -
Beginnings of the Revolution
Commencement of the trial of Louis XVI -
Beginnings of the Revolution
Louis XVI sentenced to the guillotine. -
Problems with the Revolution
A National Draft was issued calling for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army -
Period: to
Problems with the Revolution
The reign of Terror court sentenced 20,000 to 40,000 people to death -
Problems of the Revolution
The Constitution was adopted and it took effect after a reactionary rising in Vendemiare -
End of Revolution
End -
Problems with the Revolution
The National Convention arrested Robespierre along with his deputies and most people who worked with him. They are all beheaded the next day. (Hot thot got a headshot) -
Beginnings of the Revolution
The National Assembly appoints a committee of 30 members to draft a constitution.They have full authority and power to decree laws. The electors of Paris form a standing committee and citizens' militia.