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French Revolution

By Dlo26
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Louis XVI summoned the Estates General on May 5, 1789, to find a solution to the severe financial crisis in Versailles.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    It was taken after the king shut the Third Estate out of Versailles pleading ti never separated themselves until the constitution in fixed, some nobles and clergy joined them.
  • Period: to

    National Constituent Assembly

    The National Assembly decided to write a constitution, being renamed as National Constituent Assembly.
  • Prison of the Bastille attack

    Prison of the Bastille attack
    Fearing that the king would dissolve the National Constituent Assembly, people attacked the prison of the Bastille to get weapons. The revolution had started.
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    They passed many laws, for example the creation of the national army, but it experienced many problems, such as the opposition of monarchy, and part of nobility and clergy.
  • King attempted to flee Paris

    King attempted to flee Paris
    The King, unsuccessfully, tried to flee Paris. The royal family was imprisoned and taken into custody, and the idea of a republic started to be mooted.
  • Louis XVI approved the First Constitution of France

  • Period: to

    Girondin Convention

    The Girondins controlled the new assembly which held legislative and executive powers.
  • Sans-culottes assaulted the Tuileries Palace

    Sans-culottes assaulted the Tuileries Palace
    The Sans-culottes assaulted the Palace, the royal residence because their problems hadn’t been solved, so they increased their violence, and the monarch was deposed.
  • Republic was proclaimed

    Republic was proclaimed
    This was the end of the monarchy.
  • Louis XVI was executed

    Louis XVI was executed
    The King was finally executed by the guillotine after having been brought to trial in December accused of opposing the revolution.
  • Period: to

    Montagnard Convention

    In 1793, the war threatened the Revolution, so Maximilien de Robespierre, the leader of the Jacobins assumed all the power and set up a dictatorship. They instituted a new constitution and a Republican calendar was established. His dictatorship was called the Reign of Terror.
  • Robespierre and his supporters were executed and guillotined.

    Robespierre and his supporters were executed and guillotined.
  • Period: to

    Directory and the end of the Revolution

    The Girondins, shocked by Jacobins radicalism, took control again. And to avoid a new dictatorship, a moderated government was created, the Directory.