Louis XIV Calls the Estates-General
-Louis had all three estates meet at Versailles.
-He had all them noted down what they think need to be change.
-Third estate was treated unequally. They wanted their rights to be equal as the first and second estates.
-The third estate declared themselves as the Nation Assembly. -
Parisians Storm the Bastille
-Paris seize spot light from the Natio Assembly.
-The crowd assembled outside of the Batille, and thinking there would be gunpowder and weapons in there.
-The commander opened fired in the crowd and killed many of the people.
-They finnaly broke in and killed the commander and broke out the prisoners.
-Louis XIV was a woke by what the National Assembly did.
-From 1880, they celebrated that as their independence day. -
Divided French Society/Fiancial Troubles
-French Divided into 3 estates.
-First estate are the clergy, second estate are the nobility and the third estate are the rest of the population in France.
-Poor pay taxes, and rich continued to be rich.
-The government did too much spending and there was less coming in.
-Because of that it led France to a big financial trouble. -
Threat from abroad
-The rulers demand to protect the French Monarchy.
-Prepared for war between French and Austria. -
Revolt/National Assembly
-Rumors that known as the " Great Fear"
-Troops attack the town and take the crops.
-Steal bread storage.
-Fuedalismis aboilish.
-Declaration of Man
-Taxes pay accrding to ability
-6000 women march to versailles and brought back Louis's family.
-Natural rightss
-Government protect
-Smart people came to control
-Church is no longer has power
-Constitution limited the monarchy.
-King's family tired to escape, but got caught and sent back to Paris. -
Civil War
-Economic problems caused prices to rose quickly
-Food Storage
-San-Cullotes pushed revoltlution radical
-April.1792 war between French revoltlution and English Monarchy -
Monarchy Abolish
-End of monarchy, the king and queen were beheaded -
Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
-Nickname " Incorruptible "
-Robespierre cheif of Jacobins
-300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 were executed.
-Terror " prompt, servere, inflexible, justice"
-Dissolve legislative
-Robespierre was beheaded -
Third Stage of Revolution
-People were afraid so they formed a new constitution.
-5 directory and 2 legislative elected by men.
Peace with Prussia and Spain.
-Napolean military leader that peope respect and listen to. -
Spread of Nationalism
-Loyalty to country
-Reasonable people came to power
-France still fighting -
Period: to
French Revolution