French revolution

French Revolution

  • Meeting with the Estates-General

    Meeting with the Estates-General
    Description: Three classes met in the assembly of the Estates-Genera. Louis XVI organized this assembly to implement new tax policies. However, this assembly ultimately changed to an effort to reform the French political system.
    Analytical Statement: This event is generally considered as the first event of the French Revolution. This meeting sparked the next series of events of the French Revolution. Source:
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    Description: After the king decided to close the hall that held National Assembly, it gathered on a tennis court. They were determined to draft a new constitution for France. Their agreement is called "The Tennis Court Oath".
    Analytical Statement: The Tennis Court Oath is important because it showed that the nation's will was not restricted to the King's power, which laid a foundation to the later events. Source:
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The general director of finances, named Jacques Necker, was fired by the king. Because he was amiable and sympathetic to the National Assembly, the revolutionaries thought it was a direct attack on the Assembly. Therefore, angry revolutionaries stormed the Bastille Prison, attaining weapons and gunpowder in prison.
    Analytical Statement:
    This event is regarded as the debut of the French Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The National Assembly released the document called "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen". It stated that all men were equal and free under the law. Unfortunately, women and children were not included in this document.
    Analytical Statement: This document included core beliefs and values in the French Revolution and had a profound impact on the development of the French Revolution.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Description: Because of unreasonable tax policies and poor harvest, many people in France experienced hungry. A group of people, mostly women, led a march from Paris to Versailles. They required the loyal family to live with common people.
    Analytical Statement: It showed the people's power could be over the king and gave the revolutionaries confidence for later protests.
  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee

    Royal Family Attempts to Flee
    Description: After the king moved to Paris to live with the common people, he began to fear the revolutionaries. Therefore, the royal family disguised themselves as servants, preparing to flee to Austria. However, they were caught the next day in Varennes.
    Analytical Statement: This event further triggered the public's distrust towards the king.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    Description: A man named Maximilien Robespierre became the new leader of the Revolution. He was the head of the Committee of Public Safety, which aimed to protect the new Republic against traitors. He arrested and executed a number of suspected traitors.
    Analytical Statement: This period demonstrated the brutal side of the Revolution in the pursuit of freedom and liberty. Source:
  • The King's Execution

    The King's Execution
    Description: The royal family's attempts to flee caused the public to regard the king as a traitor. The king and the queen were first arrested and put on trial. After the Republic was officially established, the king was executed by guillotine in front of a crowd in Paris.
    Analytical Statement: The execution marked the end of absolute monarchy in France. Source:
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Description: Robespierre's power ultimately got out of his control. The public and other members of the committee feared being executed. Robespierre was executed by guillotine.
    Analytical Statement: This execution marked the end of the Reign of Terror.
  • Coup d’état

    Coup d’état
    Description: A new constitution was written after Robespierre's execution. A new group of leaders, called the Directory, ultimately became corrupt. A coup, called the Coup of 18th Brumaire, replaced it with three consuls, including Napoleon.
    Analytical Statement: This coup is generally considered as the end of the French Revolution