Seven years’ war
The French and Indian war -
Chaos start in France
The population was very hungry and desperate, in consequence they make extreme things, and the chaos starts in France. -
Goverment of France is very poor
Convocation of the Estates General
Declaration of the rights of man and of the Citizen.
National Assembly has made their own version of the Declaration of Independence. -
National Assembly has made their own version of the Declaration of Independence
French Revolution starts
There were rumors about the king Louis XVI and his wife.
The rumor was that they were hoarding grain at Versailles. -
Everyone was angry and nobody liked the situation France
Bunch of unease
Started with same ideas.
Dosen´t change anything -
Jacobins = petitions for be a republic without king, but troops where send and happens the CHAMP DE MARS MASSACRE -
Declaration of Pillnitz
(They weren’t taken seriously) --> Government of Austria and Prusia they didn’t like how things were going -
National Assembly
France declare war
France declare war on Austria (start of a Europe Revolution) = after that they attack the Austrian Netherlands -
Comity of Public Safely
Comity of Public Safely = “The facto government” By Maximilian Robespierre -
port of Tolon
Napoleon Bonaparte fight against revolutionaries -
Maximilian Robespierre guillotined
Marie Antoinette guillotined
Marie Antoinette guillotined