Meeting of the Estates General
The meeting of the Estates General was the meeting of the 1,2,3 estate but the 1,2 did not meet the 3rd and caused the spark that started the revolution -
The Creation of the National Assembly
The National Assembly was a revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of the third estate after the king did not meet with the third estate to discuss topics but were not met by the King. The National Assembly lasted until July 9, 1789. -
The Tennis Court Oath
The tennis court oath was an oath that all members of the national assembly must swear. It says "Not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established." -
Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was a armory, prison, and a representation of royal authority in France. The Bastille was stormed by the citizens so they could gain arms, after storming the Bastille they tore it down and expelled the royal authority it had. -
Decleration of the Rights of the Man
The Declaration of rights of man was a doctrine that described what rights the man and citizen have in France. -
Woman March on Versailles
The Womans March aka the October March, was one of the most significant parts of the French Revolution. This even was the rioting of women because of the high price and sacrity of bread. -
Flight to Varennes
This was an unsuccessful attempt of the King, his Queen, and their children to escape. -
Champ de Mars Massacre
Champ de Mars massacre was a massive killing after the citizens rallied against the National Constituent for saying that King Louis was still the king. -
First invasion of the Tuileries
This was the turning point of the revolution, 3 years after the storming of the Bastille the people of France laid siege on the home of King Louis. -
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September Massacres
The September massacres were a wave of killing in Paris. The massacre started after the journalists thought they needed to take preemptive action and they called on radicals to kill the prisoners before they could escape and kill the revolution. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
King Louis XVI was executed for being of confused of conspiracy with foreign powers. -
Creation of the Commitee of public saftey
The committee of public safety was a group of French men who protected the revolution from foreign attacks and internal rebellion. -
Assasination of Jean Paul Marat
Marat was a leader of the radical montagnard he was assassinated by Charlotte Corday in order to silence his newspaper. -
Creation of the Guillotine
The guillotine was used to kill traders and royalist in the French revolution. The guillotine was an apparatus that would cleanly, quickly and painlessly kill its victims. -
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Reign of Terror
The reign of terror was led by Maximilian Robespierre, the main purpose of the movement was to purge the traitors of France from society. -
Execution of Maximillian Robespierre
Robespierre was a large supporter of the reign of terror, he was arrested and executed putting an end to the reign of terror. -
Creation of the Directory
The directory was a group of men that held all the executive power in France. -
Napoleon Gains Control
Napoleon gained control after he returned back from Egypt and had showed that he could evade British power.