French Past - The Revolution Began

  • During the year 1786

    During the year 1786
    The bank started to refuse giving the government any more money, since King Louis was spending it all, they didnt trust him with money anymore.
  • First Time in Estates - General Assembly

    First Time in Estates - General Assembly
    In Versailles, Louis had his Estates-General assembly, that hasn’t occurred for a total of 175 years, because he spent a lot of money and started importing taxes to the nobility.
  • To end the absolute monarchy...

    To end the absolute monarchy and start the beginning of representative government, the estates voted to establish the National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This date was the pledge of the Tennis Court Oath was made. This pledge was made when the third estate was being excluded from their own personal meeting room. When breaking down the door of an indoor tennis court, they pledged that they would stay until they all decided together a new constitution.
  • Bastille

    This date is actually a French national holiday, because it ended up being a strong symbolic act of revolution. In this date, a mob stormed the Bastille, which is a Paris prison looking for gunpower. All the attackers actually ended up hacking the prison commander, making several guards receive their death, and in the end, you can find their dead heads on pikes paraded around the streets. After this event occurred, the Great Fear started.
  • Old Regime died

    In this date, nobleman started to make grand speeches, and by morning, the Old Regime was dead.
  • Rights of Man

    Rights of Man
    This date was three weeks after the Old Regime died, but this was also the date when the Declaration of the Rights of Man was adopted from the National Assembly.
  • (Around the 5th) Womens Riot

    In this date, women started a riot because the prices increased, and they had lack of food.
  • During the year of 1790

    France gets reformed by the assembly.
  • Becoming Emigres

    Becoming Emigres
    In this date, King Louis and his family became Emigres, because the royal family tried to escape from all the horrible things that were happening in France. ---Sans-Culottes: They wanted the revolution to continue because they wanted more changes in France.
  • King Louis approving

    A new constitution was completed by The National Assembly which King Louis ended up approving. The limited constitutional monarchy was created by the constitution. So this is when the Legislative Assembly was created.
  • Declaring War

    Declaring War
    In this date, The Legislative Assembly responded to Austria and Prussia by declaring war.
  • Capturing the royal family

    Capturing the royal family
    In this date, about 20,000 men and women, went into the royal palace known as the Tuileries, invaded it, and killed many guards, as well as capturing the whole royal family.
  • Jacobins

    In this date, the Jacobins take over the government.
  • Took office

    In this date, a new government body, known as the National Convention, took office.
  • Guillotine

    In this date, King Louis got beheaded by a technical machine called guillotine.
  • Joining war

    Prussia and Austria were at war against France, and this is that date that Great Britain, Holland and Spain joined the war.
  • Robespierre becoming leader

    Robespierre becoming leader
    The Reign of Terror began when Robespierre became leader of the committee of public safety.
  • Not wanting Robespierre

    Members of the National Convention were sick and tired of Robespierre that they were demanding that he got arrested and even executed.
  • During the year 1795

    In this date a new government plan was created, and it was drafted The National Convention.