Estates general
The three estates were formed out of the three social classes in 1788. The first estate being the clergy or the church which served as the highest wealthiest estate. The second estate, the nobility which consisted of rich noble families. Finally, the third estate peasants and farmers who though they had little money, out number both of the other estates. -
The "Tennis court oath"
During a meeting of the estates general, King Louis VI locked the third estate out of the meeting room thus forfeiting their vote. As retaliation the third estate found a tennis court in Versailles and refused to leaves until a new constitution was agreed to be made. -
Storming of Bastille
The storming of Bastille occurred in 1789. French citizens enraged by mistreatment rom the monarchy stormed the Bastille a royal fortress that symbolized the tyrannical suffering they endured, nd thus started the French revolution. -
Great Fear
The great fear (Moderate fright) Occurred from July 19th, just a few days after the French revolution began, all the way to August 3, 1989. The third estate stormed and ravaged wealthy homes for food; even those of fellow third estaters with some sort of money. The people pushed to this out of desperation due to a great brad famine, which consisted of most of their diet. -
Austria and Prussia call for support of French King
The declaration of Pillnitz was created on August 27, 1791. Prussia Austria agreed to invade France. The agreed to d so in ordr to sve the french Monarchy. -
King Louis XVI flees to Austria
King Louis XVI was an incredibly wimpy leader from the get-go. He could never quite make decisions for his people so had advisors make them for him and let his wife run ramped with his mullah. Because of this his subjects hated him therefore he tried to flee to Austria but is caught in Varennes. -
The King's Execution
IN 1793 King Louis XVI was condemned by the convention and sentenced to death. -
Fall of Maximillien Robespierre
On July 27 Maximillien was sentence to death, given he had turned on anyone who opposed him saying cutoff a thousand or so more heads to help the revolution. His death ended the revolution. -
Bread Riots in Paris
because the people of Paris become so desperate for food, in 1795 the people began rioting an ravaing hmes in search for food.