The Calling of The Estates General
General Lomiene de Brienne asked the Parlement of Paris to register all three states of tax on property, and when the Parlement refused, intense conflicts in France arised between the government and the parlements. Then, Louis 16th gave in to the demands and issued an edict calling the Estates General to meet in May 1789. -
Bastille Day is originated
With the Storming of Bastille, this day commemorated the beginning of the French Revolution, this day also celebrates the end of feudalism, which ended shortly after the storming of Bastille. -
Royal family flees from Paris
The Royal Family tried to flee in order to initiate a counter-revolution, and to rid themselves of France's poor state at the time. It was unsuccessful. They were caught, and arrested after being recognized. After being arrested they were put on house arrest. -
France goes to war with Austria
Revolutionaries wanted war because they believed it would unify them as a country. France struggled at first but as time went on their armies became much more successful. -
France is declared a Republic
Established by a National Convention, and founded on September 22, 1792. The republic lasted until 1804 when Napoleon declared the First French Empire. This period was characterized by the fall of the monarchy. -
The guillotine is created
The guillotine is designed to kill by beheading. It became a "popular" part of their culture during that time,because it was fast, effective, and painless. It was the French's standard method of judicial execution. -
Louis the 16th is executed by the guillotine
Louis was tried and found guilty of high treason, which led to his death. His power indicated his death by guillotine, and was married to Marie Antoinette who would later also be executed by the guillotine. Louis's higher power and class indicated execution by guillotine. -
Robespierre is executed
Robespierre is killed by guillotine. As member of the Committee of Public Safety, he encouraged the guillotine and execution of enemies. He was killed after attacking members of the Committee of Public Safety. -
Napoleon is Imprisoned
Napoleon is imprisoned after the fall of Robespierre in St. Helena, a remote Atlantic island. The Battle of Waterloo is what ended his brief second reign after he escaped and marched on the French capital. This is also where he died. -
Napoleon wins the Battle of Lodi
The French army win against the Austrian Army. This victory convinced Napoleon that he would achieve great things in the future. They won by the use of Napoleons calvary.