French Revolution

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Estates General began to deteriorate when its structure caused a schism within the Third Estate. The Third Estate chose to continue representing their rights and rejected Louis XVI's refusal to allow each delegate to vote. The Third Estate, primarily composed of the Bourgeoisie, was barred out of a meeting of the Estates General, so they convened inside a tennis court to form the National Assembly and reasoned to draft a constitution based on popular sovereignty.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    France was experiencing a political crisis as well as rural rebellion. Peasants went famished, grain prices skyrocketed, and individuals went bankrupt trying to get bread. Stories also prompted the "Great Fear," when rumors spread throughout communities, causing terror that government forces were stealing peasant harvests.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    When reports spread that royal soldiers were seizing Paris, tens of thousands of Parisians gathered outside the Bastille, a historic stronghold used as a jail, to demand guns and gun powder. Hundreds of people were killed as a result of the chaos. The mob burst past the barricades but discovered no firearms. This tragedy became a symbol of both tyranny and the French Revolution.
  • Women march on Versilles

    Women march on Versilles
    A big gathering of women began to rage due to a scarcity of food and rising costs. The women marched from Paris to Versailles for twelve kilometers. These women were fed up with the King and Queen's luxurious lifestyle while they went hungry. The women asked that the King accompany them to Paris. He concurred. During the revolution, women were taking action. This indicates that the monarch was no longer in charge of making decisions.
  • The Royal Escape

    The Royal Escape
    King Louis XVI of France and his wife Marie Antoinette made the decision to flee their humiliating condition in Paris. Louis concurred. He disguised himself as a member of his family. Their disguises, however, were uncovered. They were returned to Paris, but this time to the Tuileries Palace. They were regarded as revolutionaries' traitors. Reactions both within and outside of France pushed the monarch to act. Foreign threats were made against Louis.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    The Constitution of 1791
    A new legislative Assembly was also in charge of drafting laws, collecting taxes, and making decisions on war and peace matters. Male residents who paid taxes were able to vote for legislators. Old provinces have been replaced. It was significant because it mirrored the principles of the Enlightenment, establishing equality before the law for all citizens.
  • The Execution of Monarch

    The Execution of Monarch
    The National Convention tried Louis XVI as a traitor to France. The king was then executed by a single vote. His comments before he was slain were muffled by the mob and drums. He was taken to the guillotine and executed. This was crucial because individuals were now in charge and making decisions.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    Many executions were carried out against the revolution's foes. People who opposed the Revolution's principles were immediately imprisoned and executed. Any regular person who uttered something counter-revolutionary would be sentenced to death by the guillotine, a sword that decapitated people.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The 1795 Constitution created a five-man Directory and a two-house legislature chosen by male property owners. It encountered disappointment. Leaders did not always successful in resolving issues. The Directory aided in the suppression of riots, such as the san-culottes, by raising bread costs. When they looked to Napoleon Bonaparte for assistance in pushing their ideals, they made a mistake since he ended up becoming king of France.
  • The Next King Napoleon

    The Next King Napoleon
    Napoleon had achieved success early in his career. When he drove British soldiers out of the French port of Toulon and achieved wins over Austrians, his military career was prominent. His triumphs fueled his ambition. He rose to fame as a hero in France. He rose to political prominence and staged a coup. He later deposed a Directory and established a Consulate. He was then appointed First Consul for life.