French Revolution

  • The Three Estates

    The Three Estates
    The people of France were divided into 3 estates. The first estate was the clergy. The second estate was the nobility. The third estate was the bourgeoisie.
  • The Beginning of the French Revolution.

    The Beginning of the French Revolution.
    Europe caused major sparks of the revolution.It had a big impact on 19th century Europe. Economic troubles sparked it too.
  • The King and Queen of France

    The King and Queen of France
    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were the leaders and they didn't care about the economic trouble and poverty. The government was broke and was facing financial crisis. They were a big cause of the revolution.
  • The Causes of the Revolution

    The Causes of the Revolution
    France was in huge government debt. Louis XVI refusal to accept financial reforms. The Storming of Bastille.
  • The Meeting of the Estates General

    The Meeting of the Estates General
    The third estate dressed in black and they voted who would be in order. The nobility dressed in finery. The clergy dressed in full regalia.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Estates Generals meet at a tennis court instead of Versailles. They moved into an indoor tennis court. It was taken on June 20th, 1789
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    800 Parisians gathered outside the Bastille, a medieval fortress used as a prison. The Commander open fired on the crowd. Many people were killed.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    It was a woman's march. It was known as the October march. It was the earliest and most significant event of the revolution.
  • Economic troubles

    Economic troubles
    They government is in debt. Poor harvest made the food prices higher which made people poorer. The were poor from recent wars too.
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The Clergy consisted of poor and rich people. A law passed that caused immediate subordination of the Catholic Church in France. It basically banned the church