Period: to
Timespan of French Revolution
National Assembly
After the Estates General, The 3 estates of France gathered to discuss and solve Frances financial crisis at the National assembly. The first estate was the clergy and the second estate, who was the nobles, outvoted the third estate which made 98% of the popultaion 2 to 1. -
Tennis Court Oath
When the National assembly met, the Third estate was locked out of the meeting hall. they then broke down the door to the kings indoor tennis court. The third estate signd the Tennis Court Oath and pleged to stay there until a new Constitution was drawn up and approved. -
Storming Of The Bastile
After the Tennis Court Oath, the king had sent soldiers on the outskirts of Paris to deal with the third estate. they had some weapons but they needed gunpowder in order to fuel the guns the already had. The Bastile prison was realtively ungaured, hoarded a large supply of gunpowder, and kept many polical prisoners. A mob gathered and stormed the Bastile, killing gaurds and freeing prisoners. Afterwards the mob put the dead gaurds heads on a pike and paraded them around the streets of Paris. -
Declaration Of The Rights of Man
Faced with riots acroos france, King Louis the 16 had no choice but to move from his Palace at Versaise to Paris. He also was forced to sign the Declaration of The Rights of Man which was influenced by the American Revolution. It gaurenteed the people the rights of liberty, property, security, resitances, and a fair trial before the law. -
Invention of The Guilliotine And The Start Of The Terror.
The Revolutionaries needed a killing machine and Joseph Guillotine designed a quick and painless killing machine. This marked the start of the Terror, which was a period of putting counter revolutionarys to death. Over 40,000 people died in the proceess. -
French Republic is Created.
After three ears of hammering away at the monarchy, the Fench monarchy is replaced with a republic. Maxmallian Robespeire was elected as the head of the council. The september masacres then followed. -
Louis The 16th is Put to The Guillotine.
When France was at war with the rest of Europe, King Louis was suspected of sending letters to aid the enemy by giving away french troops positions.The French Revolutionaries realized that the only way their republic could live was to kill the king. louis was put on trial and was voted to put to death by the guillotine. He attemped to give a speach, but the drums drowned him out. -
Robespeire Is Guillotined and The Revolution Ends
When the people realized that Robespeire was executing people from the church, he was executed and blamed for sentencing people to death. he was executed by the guilotine and the french revolution ended.