French Revolution

  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
  • Estates General Meeting

    Estates General Meeting
    May 5th 1789 king louis XVI called upon the states general in order to restore france. The king hopes to gain more tax revenue, due to France being broke. King Louis spent all of France's money on raging parties and put all their money in the seven years war. All the third estate wants out of the states n generally meeting is less taxes and better representation. This was the first time in 175 years since the last estates general.
  • Estate General Meeting Part 2

    Estate General Meeting Part 2
    King Louis XVI was never supposed to be king there for he had no training. He called upon the states general because he couldn't make real decisions since he had no training. During the estates general he created a voting system that worked against the 3rd estate. The 1st and 2nd estates would vote 2 against 1, resulting in only the 1st and 2nd estate benefiting.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    the storming of the bastille by the national assembly was to get gun powder for there firarms. they needed to get this gun powder to actually fight the revolution, all they had before this was pichforks. they sucessfully gain the gun powder and freed acouple prisoners. while they did get all the reasources they need this was considered the first event starting the revolution.stowming the bastille was the first act of violence which is why its the beging of the revolution.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The national assemble was starting to meet in a random open building they found, once the king locked them out they walked to the nearest open building. Which started the tennis court oath in which they held in a tennis court. The oath they all swore on was to keep meeting no matter what, until the king gives them what they want. They swore they said they will keep finding places to meet even if they king closes all buildings. The third estate wants there lives to be equal to the higher estates.
  • Womens March of versailles

    Womens March of versailles
    hungery women from paris march to versailles to prove a point. all the women thought the king and queen needed to see the conditions that was in paris, to the people starving in the streets. so they demanded he move to paris and threatedned him if he didnt. the king eventually decided to move becuase the were angry women threatening him with pichforks.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
  • king beheading

    king beheading
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
  • MArie Antoinette beheading

    MArie Antoinette beheading
  • Reign of Terror ends

    Reign of Terror ends