The Bourbon Monarchy Ends
After Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette are taken from power by the people and go into a "house arrest" technically still a king and a queen but with no power. The time of their monarchy has ended. -
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The National Assembly Makes the First Constitution
The educated people of the third estate broke into a tennis court and vowed to stay there until they created a constitution. After two years they finally finished a constitution that reformed the government. It severely limited the monarchy stripping most of Louis XVI power. And created the Legislative Assembly a group that could create laws and deal with wars. Picture: https://www.mrallsophistory.com/revision/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/06-20a.jpg -
Storming of the Bastille
Fearful and angry commenters fearing that the monarchy is going to attack mob the Bastille prison.They freed prisoners and seized control of the weapons, Bastille was a symbol of oppression for the third estate so they attacked it. This became a symbol of the overthrowing of the government. -
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The National Convention is in Power.
The National Convention is the new government created by the National Assembly. They abolished the monarchy, established the committee of public safety that started the reign of terror, and established a republic. Picture: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/14/ExaminationLouistheLast.jpg/250px-ExaminationLouistheLast.jpg -
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The Reign of Terror
The committee of public safety is created to keep France safe. It failed in that mission, led by Robespierre the executions started with Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette thousands of people were killed for being "internal enemies". It was a time of great fear and panic in France. It finally ended with the death of Robespierre in 1794. Picture: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/thereignofterror-160805051554/95/the-reign-of-terror-french-revolution-17931794-1-638.jpg?cb=1470374285 -
A constitution is created establishing the Directory
After the reign of terror the french government need to be reformed. A new constitution is written that created the Directory. -
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The Directory is in Control
Five people are put in control of the government. But corruption and poor economical conditions the government was ineffective. link text -
Napoleon conducts a Coup against the Directory
Napoleon organizes a bloodless coup and seizes control of France. This was a time when France needed a strong leader, a being a general Napoleon was one. He establishes a consulate government to lead France where the directory failed.