French Revolution

  • section 1.1

    section 1.1
    Political system divided into 3 estates. Rich, nobles and working class which were farmers.
  • Protest

    Woman protested the rising cost of bread. They used Violence and demanding. The National Assembly provided bread.
  • Economy

    Economy was in a decline caused alarm among merchants, bankers. The government sank into a very deep debt. The King and Queen spend way to much money.
  • Voting

    In 1789 they voted to establish the national assembly. Which was the beginning of a representative government.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    A mob searching for gunpowder and weapons stormed the Bastille which is a Paris prison. The mod seized the building. Around 100 people died.
  • King

    National assembly created the new constitution. It stripped the king of authority. It created a new legislative body to approve laws.
  • Royal Family

    Royal Family
    The Royal family tried to escape from France to go to the Netherlands. But they were captured near the border and returned to Paris. This escape gave his enemies more proof and sealed his fate.
  • War

    The legislative assembly declares WAR.
  • section 2.4

    section 2.4
    Guillotine machine was used and it was thought to be more humane than other tools. But some people thought that with this machine death came too fast and they wanted the old methods to return.
  • Robespierre

    Robespierre became leader of the public safety committee. This period ofhis ruleing became known as the Reign of terror. He had lots of people exected by the guilotine. He later died by the Guilotine on July 28th 1794.
  • French army

    Napoleon appointed to lead a French army against Austria and the kingdom of Sardinia. He was born in Corsica and joined the military at 11 years old.