
French Revolution

By campu15
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    Louis XVI summons Estates-General for its first meeting since 1614.
    The Estates General makes a meeting that reunite the equal # of representatives from each Estate. with that they solve the political crisis. In the palace the deabte major problems.
  • Voted to Establish the Natianal Assembly-Lead To The Tennis Court Oath

    Voted to Establish the Natianal Assembly-Lead To The Tennis Court Oath
    The national Assembly was revolutionary it was created by the representatives of teh third Estate.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    This happend in France. The prison in Paris (Batille) represented royal authority in the centre of Paris.
  • Feudalism is Ended, Division Between Estates Ended

    Feudalism is Ended, Division Between Estates Ended
    The National Assembly announced that they abolish the fuedal system entirely. It ended with seigneural rights in the second estate and tithes by the first estate.
  • Declaration of the Rghts of Men and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rghts of Men and of the Citizen
    The decleration of men and citizens is a document wich list all the rights. This was influenced by thomas jefferson and General Lafaytte who they intoduced it.
  • Bread Riots

    Bread Riots
    Women's march beagan in the marketplaces. Oct 5 1789 women were rioting over high price and scarcity of bread.
  • Assembly Reforms France

    Assembly Reforms France
    This was created by Napoleon during the expansion of the french empire. The Revolution threw the monorchy away and establish a republic and experienced violent periods and finally was in dicatorship by Napoleon.
  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee

    Royal Family Attempts to Flee
    King louis XVI, his queen (Marie Antoinette) and her close family try to escape. They failed. they escape only to a town and after that they were recognized and arrested.
  • New Constitution- Limited Monarchy- Legislative Assembly Created

    New Constitution- Limited Monarchy- Legislative Assembly Created
    The first constitution of france was the short lived consitution that was made in 1791 and it was created after the absolute monarchy was collapsed.
  • Legislative Assembly Declares War on Austria and Prussia

    Legislative Assembly Declares War on Austria and Prussia
    France declares war to austria and purssia and armies were more succelsfull at wars. The france declared war becuase of king louis VXI he was one of the main reasons that france was going to war.
  • Abolished the Monarchy

    Abolished the Monarchy
    The legeslative assembly voted to abolish the monarchy and establish the first republic. This was agreed by King louis XVI but it gave much of his power away.