French Revolution and Napoleonic War

  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    Ended the Revolutionary War between the U.S and great Britain. This drew acknowledgement to American Independence and was able to establish borders for the new nation. John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin were the negotiators and brought in points that would guarantee America's progressive future. Link text
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  • Call of the Estate General

    Call of the Estate General
    The Estate General consisted of three estates. The first was for the clergy, the second being for the nobility, and the third was the rest of the French Society. The Estate Generals came to Versailles for the last grand ceremony of the Ancien Regime, majority that arrived were in the third estate. This marked the first time in history that a bishop had been applauded in church. Link text
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Members of the Third General Estate came together and began to call themselves the National Assembly. They had been locked out of the place the usually met so they moved their meeting to a Tennis Court. The Tennis Court Oath stated that they would vow to continually meet until they were able to establish a constitution for French. Link text
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a state prison on the east side of Paris. It was attacked by a big angry mob due to the fact that they were fed up with the government. Link text
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    March on Versailles

    Women marched and invaded the Versailles palace, which proved that the monarch was subjected to the will of their citizens. The women marched 12 miles to the place where the National Assembly was held by Louis XVI. Link text
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    Louis XVI was executed by a guillotine at the Revolution Square. Nine months later, Mary Antoinette is executed from being convicted of treason by a tribunal. Link text
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    Reign of Terror

    Mass amount of executions lead by Robespierre. He was executed because no one believes there was any progress and Napoleon soon takes over as ruler. The first victim had been Mary Antoinette. Link text
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    The civilians didn't approve of the way he ruled and decided to execute him. Twelve others who followed him were also executed at the same time with him. He had encouraged execution by guillotine of over 17,000 enemies. Link text
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    Napoleonic Wars

    Led by Napoleon, this was a series of conflicts that went between the French Empire and its former allies. The war lasted 23 years, and was ended by the Battle of Waterloo. Link text
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was based of slavery rebellion, which is considered one of the most successful events in history. The Haitian people were able to gain their independence from France and had then became one of the first countries to have been founded by former slaves. The Haitian leader was Toussaint Louverture. Link text
  • Coronation of Napoleon I

    Coronation of Napoleon I
    Napoleon, the French Emperor, was coronated at the Notre Dame Cathedral in the city of Paris. He wanted to prove the strength of his power and he felt he needed to show that even if he were to die, his dynasty would continue. He was proclaimed the heredity "Emperor of the French". Napoleon had placed the crown on himself after being anointed, but the action was apparently planned. Link text
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo occurred in Belgium between the French Empire and other Europe allies. This was the final war that ended the Napoleonic War period in which Napoleon was defeated by Wellington. This brought peace to Europe and Wellington secured the peace deal and then became prime minister. Link text
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Mexico Gains Independence
    This marked the end of Spain's rule. Hidalgo, the ruler of Spain, was defeated and though he escaped he was recaptured. Mexican Independence is now celebrated as a holiday with culture based events such as bull fighting.