
French Revolution and Napoleon Timeline

By l28649
  • Bread Prices Double

    Bread Prices Double
    Majority of people already living in complete poverty, struggling to eat just enough bread a day to survive, begin to starve and die as the price of bread was doubled. Now majority of the poeple living in France were starving, dying, and angry.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution and Napoleon

  • National Assembly Established

    National Assembly Established
    Proclaimed the end of the absolute monarchy, and the beginning of representative government. Vote was first deliberate act of the Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A mob of people storm the Bastille, Paris Prison, seizing control of the prison and weapons within. They then stormed the streets, and the fall of the Bastille became symbolic of the French Revolution. (US has July 4th, this day is remembered and similar to this)
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    King Louis forced to share power Declaration of Rights and Man. Beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Women March to Versailles

    Women March to Versailles
    Women storm into Versailles to motivate the National Assembly to handle the drastic increase of bread prices, however then decide to take thir anger out on the king and queen. Broke into the palace, killing guards, and demanding they move to Paris, and eventually Louis agreed.
  • King Louis XVI Death

    King Louis XVI Death
    Convicted of treason, King Louis XVI beheaded by guillotine.
  • Robespierre Appointed

    Robespierre Appointed
    Robespierre declares, "Terror the order of the day" beginning the Reign of Terror.
  • Death of Robespierre

    Death of Robespierre
    Robespierre is executed by the guillotine and the Reign of Terror, the radical phase of the French Revolution, ended.
  • Giving up Control in New World

    Giving up Control in New World
    Hoping to save more money for France, Napoleon chooses to sell Louisiana terriroty to the USA.
  • Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned as Emperor
    Napoleon decides to make himself emperor, and supported by the French voters, was crowned after walking down the aisle of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    Napoleon defeated, lost power, and shipped (by the British) to St.Helena - a remote island in the South Atlantic - lived lonely for 6 years, and eventually died.
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    On the island of St. Helena, Napoleon dies at age 52, from stomach issues perhaps cancer.