French Revolution

  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI
    King Louis the XVI made a political marriage to Marie Antoinette to prevent France from going to war. The country was already facing financial problems as it was but the situation was made worse. Marie spent money on a new dress almost every day. This caused the people of the country to get very angry.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    France was made up of 3 estates. The 1st estate which was the clergy 2nd estate which was the nobility and the 3rd estate which was the common folk. The 3rd estate proposed that the 2nd and 1st estate pay taxes as well they didn't like this. The next day the 3rd estate was barred from the meeting place so they moved to a nearby tennis court and made a oath to change the way the country was run declaring National Assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The peasants stormed the Bastille to free the prisoners and clam the weapons they believed to be held there. Many people where killed in the storming. Some prisoners where also taken.
  • King Louis XVI accepts the constion

    King Louis XVI accepts the constion
    After some very long negotiation King Louis XVI reluctantly accepted the Constitution. The separation of powers was put into effect. People every where celebrated and others where upset by this.
  • Storming of the Palace

    Storming of the Palace
    Many of the French revolutionary's where upset and had finally had enough. They stormed the Palace and took as many noble and royal prisoners that they could and killed who ever resisted. King Louis was taken prisoner.
  • September Massacres

    September Massacres
    The September Massacres took place in the span of two days. It was the mass killing of citizens in France and other countries.Half of the prison population in Paris was killed on September 2nd to the 4th around 1,370 to 1,460 prisoners where killed.
  • King Louis XVI execution

    King Louis XVI execution
    King Louis was convicted of ploting against the country with foreign powers. He didn't revive a trial and was sentenced to death. The very next day after he was convicted he was executed.
  • execution of Marie Antoinette

    execution of Marie Antoinette
    almost 1 year had gone by when Marie Antoinette was sentenced to death. People every came to see her execution. It might have even been more popular than King Louis execution.
  • Abolishment of Slavery in Colonies

    Abolishment of Slavery in Colonies
    France had abolished slavery in 1794. They would however re-establish slavery in 1848. This would again be abolished by the country.
  • Alliance between Austria and Prussia

    Alliance between Austria and Prussia
    The two sides made a alliance to support each other in case of a attack from Russia. This was however not what they expected when France declared war on Austria. France though it would be a easy victory but when Austria was backed but Prussia they quickly retreated.