French Revolution

  • Cause 4 of French Rev.

    Cause 4 of French Rev.
    The Estate System
    France was divided into 3 different estates: 1st clergy, 2nd nobility, and 3rd the commoners. only the third estate paid the taxes for the country. this was not fair to the 3rd estate commoners.
  • Cause 5 of French Rev.

    Cause 5 of French Rev.
    The Enlightenment
    The french people were hearing from the philosophers ideas about the king having limited power, people should have more freedom/rights, the king is breaking the social contract. altogether the philosophers are pushing the french people to revolt.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The 3rd Estate would keep meeting until the DRM was completedand the promise was kept. The king did not like this so he tried locking them out of their original room.
  • Formation of National Assembly

    Formation of National Assembly
    The first and second estates outvoted the third estate. The 3rd estates representative stormed out of the meeting and decided to form their own parliament. It truly represent the french people.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    The city of paris had their gun powder supply at fort/prison called Bastille. Thousands of Parisians attack the ort and successfully get the gun powder.The city of paris was then in the hands of the revolutuionaries.
  • Cause 1 of the French Rev.

    Cause 1 of the French Rev.
    France Went Bankrupt.
    When they fought they spent a lot of money fighting. It was France that had provided the first 13 colonieswith most of their money and weapons during the american Rev. war.
  • Document Rights of Men

    Document Rights of Men
    The National Assembly was forced to meet at a tennis court. The plan was to create a document with rights that the french people should have. (DRM)
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    Thousands of women from paris marched the 12 miles from paris to Versalilles. They were armed with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols,and muskets.
  • Cause 3 of French Rev.

    Cause 3 of French Rev.
    Not Enough Food
    they had bad harvests, an prior to the revolution, france had severe droughts. food shortages happened along with higher prices, and almost everyone lived and harvest on a farm.
  • Cause 2 of French Rev.

    Cause 2 of French Rev.
    Bad Leadership
    The queen was spending a lot of money, she was known for throwing expensive parties and spent lots of money on her appearence. It made the kingdom look bad altogether.
  • The Great Escape

    The Great Escape
    The revolution had been going for 2 years now, te royal family was on house arrest in paris. Assembly kept pushing for the king to sign the law that took power away from him. one night the royal family tried sneaking their way to austria.
  • King Louis 16 Death

    King Louis 16 Death
    Louis was arrested, interned in the Temple prison with his family, tried for high treason before the National Convention, convicted in a near-unanimous vote and condemned to death by a slight majority.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    when the war started, French army was losing and the Austria/Prussia got to within 30 miles or so of paris. Great britain put a naval blockade on Frances ports. 40,000 people including Marie Antoinette were to be sent to the guillotine.
  • 1 Result of French Rev.

    1 Result of French Rev.
    After the Reign of Terror
    France went through several governments. French won the war vs. Englad/Prussia/Austria, so the revolution wasnt crushed.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    During the revolution, Napoleon rose throught the military tanks. He became leader of the french army in italy.He led France in taking Egypt from Great Britain. Napoleon is considered one of the most greatest generals in all of histroy. In 1799 he overthrows the french government & becomes dictator.
  • family Members in charge

    family Members in charge
    When a country was taken over , one of napoleons relatives would rule using the enlightenment ideas. when a country was taken over, The French rev. and enlightenment ideas spread to that country. SOURCE-NOTES